Israel Suspends Broadcasting License for Shelanu TV (God TV) Over Christian Proselytizing to Jews

“A channel which seeks to address the Jewish people who dwell in Israel [and present it with] the gospels of Jesus will never be broadcast on HOT."

Report (Updated): Jewish Convert to Christianity to Lead March of the Living

Evans is the son of a Jewish mother whose parents had emigrated from the Soviet Union, and an abusive, antisemitic alcoholic Christian father.

Analysis: Prosecutor Siding with Reform, Missionaries, Against Rightwing Author

Naturally, in a country without a constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech, the policeman is king.

Missionaries Donate Security Equipment Alongside Bibles with Messianic Citations

They were furious, left without taking any of the gifts, and reported the incident immediately to Yad L’Achim.

Evangelical Leader: Stop GOD TV Missionary Broadcasts Aimed At Jews in Israel

"Our only mandate to the Jewish people is to love and support them because they are God's chosen people."

GOD TV Pushing Christian Gospel in Hebrew to Jews on Israeli Cable

Does that sound like the start of a Christian media crusade? Of course. Is it legal? Yes.

Jewish GOP Candidate Invites Messianic Clergy to Eulogize Pittsburgh Victims at Pence Rally

An anonymous Pence aide told the AP that Jacobs "was not invited by the VP's office to speak on behalf of the Jewish community."

Shmuley Boteach to Debate Jew for Yoshka on ‘New Testament’ Anti-Semitism

It's probably safe to say that the August 8 debate will not result in much burning, but the Talmud discourages a voluntary religious debate with gentiles.

Rabbinical Court Rejects Messianic Jews’ Appeal for Halakhic Wedding

This was the first time the Rabbinical Court in Israel was required to deal with the halakhic status—for the purpose of being eligible for a rabbinical marriage—of Jews who believe in Jesus.

Missionaries in Tel Aviv Hand Out ‘Psalms’ with Christian Teachings

A book that appeared to be a copy of Psalm camouflaged efforts to convert Jews to Christianity.

Susannah Heschel: Father Said ‘Christians Understood his Work Better than Jews’

Rabbi Heschel persuaded the bishops to eliminate or modify passages in Church liturgy that demeaned the Jews, or referred to their expected conversion to Christianity.

Shock as Haredi ‘Rabbi’ in Jerusalem Outed as Christian Missionary

“This is apparently a much bigger problem than what we’re aware of. One of the things we want to do is not only clarify this case, but also raise the consciousness of people in Israel.”

Exasperated Missionary Insulted by Ungrateful Jews

It was a rare opportunity to peek into the mind of this missionary who honestly looks at the Jews as raw potential for conversions, and nothing but.

Christian Symbol Removed from Ein Heshatot in Golan Heights

Ein Keshatot is home to a Jewish village from the period of the Mishna and Talmud, with a magnificent shul in its center.

Missionaries Caught Operating in Ashdod, Targeting Children

It is likely their efforts to target children and immigrant families will be stepped up at least until the start of the school year.

Warning: Cult Launches Countrywide Campaign

The missionary campaign is ongoing and is expected to continue through the end of the coming week.

On Hot Mic, Biden says Netanyahu Needs a Come to J**** Moment

"I’m on a hot mic here,’ Biden replied. ‘Good. That’s good."

And Now for Something Completely Different: Yair Lapid May Be Tied to Messianic Jews

A request for comment from Yesh Atid was refused on the grounds that this is a personal matter. Well, yes and no.

Incoming Rep. Cawthorn Says He’s Tried to Convert Jews, Muslims to Christianity

“I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult. I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”

Heads Up: Senior Missionary Evicted from Southern Israel Reappears in the North, Still Preaching

Local residents pressured Australian missionary Andrew Lewis to leave Moshav Otzem in southern Israel a year ago.

Online Missionary Activity Aimed at Children

"The missionaries created iGOD . . . a branch of One for Israel, a Christian missionary organization based in Texas, preaching Christianity to Jews here."

Alert: Missionaries Trained to Preach to IDF Soldiers

Yad L'Achim sent an urgent letter to Defense Minister Benny Gantz calling on him to remove active missionaries from the ranks of the army and to stop drafting cult members.

IDF Promises Yad L’Achim, ‘Soldiers Won’t Be Taken to Missionary Events’

The IDF has confirmed in a letter to Yad L'Achim that soldiers will not be taken to missionary events.

Rabbinic Court Revokes Conversion of Jews for Jesus’ Daughter

The Netanya court discovered that the plaintiff's father was involved in establishing a group called Netzari (Hebrew for Christian), which he currently leads.

Bus Driver Waited Patiently for Passenger Who Was Removing Missionary Posters

"It was heartwarming to see the Jewish sentiment waking up against the missionaries," the woman said.

Yad L’Achim Urges Religious Parties to Demand Tough Anti-Missionary Legislation

"In the past 19 years, more Jews have converted to Christianity than in the 1,900 years before that," the missionaries claimed.

Yad L’Achim Reports Missionaries Renting Office from Jerusalem Foundation

Yad L'Achim said it is clear the Jerusalem Foundation has no idea that missionaries are operating of property purchased with foundation funds.


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