Photo Credit: Courtesy Hezbollah
Hezbollah soldier holding up a taunt aimed at the IDF Spokesperson's Office Avihai Adre'i

Hezbollah is not slowing down its relentless psychological warfare against Israel, in response to israeli threats to wipe out the clandestine Iranian weapons underground plants, both in Lebanon and Syria, which produce heavy missiles intended for the Shiite terror group, Nzivnet reported.

The picture above is part of this extensive psychological warfare, which includes tweeting propaganda images and hanging signs in front of Israeli communities along the southern Lebanese border.


The pictured Hezbollah soldier in the Syrian Qalamun Mountains, on the Syrian-Lebanese border, sends a cardboard message to Avihai Adre’i, head of the Arab media section of the IDF Spokesperson’s Office:

“Avihai Adri’i!

“We are practicing on the rebel organization Jabhat Al Nusra in preparation for invading the Galilee.

Signed: Twitter Channels Jerod Arsal and al-Qalamun.”

While Israel still needs to deal a blow to those Iranian underground weapons plants along its northern border, Hezbollah is reportedly facing its own problems: it has lost well over a thousand of its men in the war to protect President Assad; and it is going broke, which pushes it to run intense fundraising campaigns among its wealthy Shiite supporters – and to restrict its media campaign to messages hastily scrawled on cardboard.

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