Photo Credit: courtesy, Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets)
Image of explosion at Iranian base at Mount Azzan near Aleppo, Syria

At least four people were killed late Wednesday night in several waves of air strikes on Aleppo International Airport and other nearby military targets in northern Syria.

Syria blamed Israeli fighter pilots for the deaths and destruction, some of which took place at Nayreb Airport, outside Aleppo. Loud explosions were heard at an Iranian arms depot in the area, local sources said.


Among the dead were one or two top Iranian military officials, according to local sources, who said the Aleppo airport was destroyed along with a number of Iranian planes that were on the tarmac, and which had been used to transport weapons to Iran’s Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist proxy group.

“A military source announced … the army air defenses intercepted an Israeli air aggression that targeted a number of industrial sites in Sheikh Najar industrial region to the northeastern side of Aleppo and downed a number of the hostile missiles,” the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said in a statement issued Wednesday night. “The source added that the damages were restricted to materials only.”

Several sites and warehouses belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in the south and east the city were targeted, according to local reports. Syrian air defenses were activated.

According to defense analyst Babak Taghvaee, among the targets was a rocket factory in the Sheikh Najar industrial zone near the Aleppo International Airport. ” It is reported that IRGC was producing Fajr-5C precision guided rockets for the Syria Arab Army there.”

A total of five targets were hit, sources said late Wednesday night. Among the other sites targeted were an ammunition depot at or near the Aleppo International Airport, a site near Jabrin, the Nayrab air base, and according to an unconfirmed report, a convoy that was attacked on the Hanzer road in Aleppo as well.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.