Photo Credit: Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS
A traffic jam in Petach Tikva. April 15, 2022

The Israeli Police will begin testing an artificially intelligent system to detect traffic violations on the country’s roads in 2023. The initiative aims to free up officers to handle other matters.

The first pilot will begin next year on Road 90, also known as the Arava Highway, which is already undergoing renovations.


Data from cameras and traffic sensors will be sent in real time to a control center and digital tickets will be produced within minutes after the violation is detected.

The digital tickets will include a link to a video clip of their offense.

The use of AI to enhance traffic enforcement is not without controversy, however. Privacy organizations may raise concerns about the use of tracking technology in the public sphere. It remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed as the pilot program moves forward.

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