Photo Credit: Hillel Meir / TPS
Police pepper spray a protester against Shabak torture in Jerusalem on Dec. 20, 2015.

Thousands are demonstrating near the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem, in protest of the unwarranted incognito incarceration and torture of Jewish youths and minors by the Shabak. The protesters are blocking the entrance to the city.

Police arrested six demonstrators and a policeman attacked Makor Rishon news photographer Miri Tzahi, pushing her camera into her face. She was taken to Terem medical center. Her face was covered in blood, according to a TPS report.

A protest against Shabak torture in Jerusalem on Dec. 20, 2015. Photo credit: Moshe Atlo /TPS

An account that made it to Facebook on Sunday revealed that one of the minors being allegedly tortured by the Shabak tried to commit suicide by slashing his wrists. The same minor has reportedly begged the remanding judge throughout his time in Shabak’s hands: “They’re turning my arms into a bow and they hold me upside down until my hands start to burn. Each day it gets worse. Give me poison. I can’t take it any more.”

The minor showed the marks of his suicide attempt to the court on Sunday. He was examined by the district psychiatrist who determined that the minor is under emotional pressure as a result of his interrogation. It was also revealed to the court that the same minor was given pills by the prison doctor because he couldn’t fall asleep as a result of the interrogations and the torture.

The minor told the judge: “I am ready to confess to everything, but I can’t explain how. Just leave me alone, damn it.”

The boy requested medical treatment for his back for the stretching and torture he endured. He burst into tears and said, “I can’t take it any more.”

Attorney Adi Keidar from the legal aid society Honenu who represents this minor said in a statement, “Today we presented to the court the hands of the minor where it can be seen clearly that a suicide attempt had been committed, all of it as a result of the torture he is undergoing in the Shabak interrogations.”

“By the end of the day we have been exposed to the continuation of the terrible saga in which we saw clearly today that everything the suspect has been telling us he already told before the court while being prevented from seeing us. He described all those shocking things and no one responded. This is a shocking event that must worry us, the fact that the court system link arms with the prosecution, the police and Shabak.”

The Honenu organization said in a statement on Sunday: The things that were revealed in this case are shocking and terrifying. The responsible elements have crossed all the lines and decided to spill the blood of Jewish children, plain and simple. This is a spiritual eclipse experienced by the State of Israel.”

The Shabak released a statement saying the report was made up and baseless.

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