Photo Credit: Israel Tourism via Flickr
Jerusalem City Center

In April 2017, 349,000 tourist entries were recorded, constituting a 38% increase over April 2016. In the four months January-April 2017, 1.09 million tourist entries were recorded, a 28% increase over the same period last year.

There was a 38% increase in tourist entries in April 2017, compared with April 2016, and a 21% increase over April 2015. 309,000 of the April, 2017 tourist entries were by air, an increase of 36% over April 2016, and a 21% over April 2015.


40,000 tourist entries were recorded via Israel’s land crossings, of which 34,000 came through Jordan and about 6,000 through Egypt. This represents an increase of 56% over April 2016 and 22% over April 2015. There were about 24,000 day visitors in April 2017 – an increase of 27% over April 2016 and 13% over April 2015.

In the period of January to April 2017, 1.09 million tourist entries were recorded, an increase of 26% over the same period in 2016 (850,000) and 22% more than in 2015. 964,000 tourists arrived by air, 24% more than in the same period in 2016 and 22% more than in 2015.

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