Title: The Light of Thirty-Six:

Accessing the Hidden Light of

Creation on a Daily Basis

Author: Pinchas Winston

Publisher: Thirtysix.org



   Readers and nervous newshounds wondering how to become more spiritual in a hurry can take steps toward meeting that goal by studying The Light of Thirty-Six: Accessing the Hidden Light of Creation on a Daily Basis. Read and re-read the book. Invest time, effort and thought into your spirituality-seeking process so you can act on the book’s lessons seriously, not superficially.


   Author Pinchas Winston’s decades of deeply insightful research into Jewish spirituality focuses on the significance of Chanukah, Ohr HaGanuz and specific numbers related to them – particularly 36, 25, and 11. These and other numbers important to Jewish spirituality are explored in this paperback, too. The introduction indicates that ” the number eight symbolizes our unique relationship with God a supernatural level of existence ” Readers will then learn why ” all redemptions of the Jewish People are miraculous” and that numbers 70, 112 and 240 also spell out spiritual lessons. They’re explained later in the book.


   By page 17 in Chapter One of Section One, you and the text will be speeding along into far deeper insights about the importance of the holy light hidden within creation. You’ll realize that you’re learning how to access it on a daily basis. These insights, Winston points out, are major lessons of the Chanukah holiday. Page 40 presents them in two thought-provoking paragraphs. Chapter Four expands on the lesson by pointing out oft-overlooked implications of the essential differences between Yaakov and Eisav plus Yaakov’s struggle with an angel who changed his name. The segment also summarizes the spiritual depth of Yaakov’s journey over the river Yabok, how it puts the Y2K event into a spiritual context and provides spiritual lessons for eternity let alone facilitating geula.


   The author expounds on the above until Section Two. Readers will then be more ” able to see the hand of God in even the darkest moments trust that God is running the show and that all is for the good” (p. 164). Fine and dandy, you might think. What are nervous newshounds and readers to do in case of war? Pages 165 through 199 tell you in specific detail.


   When you reach the conclusion of The Light of Thirty-Six you’ll be tingling with the realization that ” we are, in turn, trusted by The Holy One Blessed be He, Who hands over the ability to perform miracles to man” and how we know that this is so.


   Ease your blood pressure and frightened mind. Read The Light of Thirty-Six: Accessing the Hidden Light of Creation on a Daily Basis often, perhaps just before bedtime. Sleep is a great tool for processing valuable information and letting you waken with confidence.



   Yocheved Golani is the author of E-book “It’s MY Crisis! And I’ll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge”  (www.booklocker.com/books/4244.html).

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Yocheved Golani is the author of highly acclaimed "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge" (http://booklocker.com/books/3067.html). It addresses and solves many needs of disabled, ill and recovering readers.