The Los Angeles Kollel Yechiel Yehuda recently held its annual dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Berel Weiss. Reb Elie Ryzman spoke of his meeting with the previous Modzitzer Rebbe, who said, “You should know that Reb Berel Weiss is a gaon b’chesed, and we should all learn from him.”



Berel Weiss’s son, Rabbi Moshe Weiss, described the many mosdos haTorah that his father participates in and supports. He said of his father, “With all the wonderful things said tonight about my father, the most significant that was not emphasized enough is that my father is a masmid, a ben Torah. He simply is a Yid who gets up in the morning and goes to sleep late at night – learning. Go to his office and you will find him learning. In the middle of learning, he does business. Someone comes for tzedakah, he writes a check. [When] he’s done, he goes back to learning. He is amazing.”


Berel Weiss spoke about the importance of giving tzedakah with joy and goodness. He thanked everyone for attending the dinner and honoring him.





(L-R) Honoree Berel Weiss, Rav Yochanon Henig, and Rav Yonah Landau at the Los Angeles Chassidishe Kollel’s annual dinner.

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