Fifteen students from Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in Boca Raton, Florida, recently attended the Yeshiva University’s National Model United Nations. The YUMUN conference took place at the beautiful Sheraton hotel in Stamford, Connecticut.


         The Weinbaum contingent ranged from sophomores through seniors. While some were “experienced delegates,” and others were attending for the first time, the entire group had a truly enlightening and exciting experience.



WYHS students attend Yeshiva University Model United Nations event.



         The delegates spent three days passionately defending and arguing sensitive topics pertinent to their committees. The topics included nuclear war in Iran, women’s rights and world hunger.


         The heated debates were thought provoking and stimulating. Three members of each committee were given awards at a special ceremony following the event.


         The Florida attendees to YUMUN returned home with a deepened awareness of pressing world issues, and pledges to keep in touch with dozens of new friends.

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