Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Semicha means rabbinical ordinance.

Everyone always asks me what a “Guru” is? My response is always that to become a rabbi it takes a lot of years and a lot of schooling and hence a lot of money. To become a Guru, it just takes $1.99 to get the domain.


In all seriousness, the word Semicha also means to lean or rely on. In life there are many times we might seem as if we are alone and in Psalm 145 it says, “somech lakol hanoflim”: Supportive is Hashem for all of the fallen. So, from here we learn to rely and lean on Hashem especially when times are tough.

Faith is a hard concept to grasp. However, faith or emunah and relying on a supreme being to get us through the tough times is how we are different from other nations.

When it comes to battles or anything we face, sure we have to do everything we possibly can physically but a big part of fighting battles as Jew is to rely on Hashem.


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Gabriel Boxer – aka the Kosher Guru – is a social media personality spreading the love of living a kosher lifestyle in a fun filled way, along with being an advocate of Israel and the Jewish people.