Loving Details

When one is riding on cloud nine and feels that longing to be close with their prospective spouse he/she can spend hours working out minute details to enhance the experience even more.

Everything You Didn’t Know About Charoset

The other purpose of charoset is symbolic. The traditional ingredients of the charoset mixture – nuts, figs, and apples – are used in Scripture to describe the Jewish people.

Is it proper to have or attend a vegan/vegetarian Seder?

There are the other components of the Seder which we must consume: the wine, the maror and the matzah. Thus, if one does not consume any meat, fowl and/or fish, that will suffice as regards the evening’s requirements.

May One Use Grape Juice For Arba Kosot

We see that the wine for Arba Kosot must be considered chashuv. Rav Moshe Feinstein, in turn, rules that grape juice is not chashuv.

Daf Yomi

A Hot Air Blower “Whoever Eats Bread Without Wiping His Hands…” (Sotah 4b)

Owning Chametz Stocks On Pesach

In any case, added Chaim, I assume that if you have a share in the chametz, you can include it in mechiras chametz. I don’t think I can simply sell my stocks the way I sell the liquor that I own, objected Mr. Krumbein.

Sparks For Your Seder

Four times we mention the word ‘baruch’ – blessed. Because we must know that every child is considered to be ‘baruch’ – a blessing. Yes, even in the most difficult situation, there is bracha to be found. Seder night gives us a new perspective.

Escape From Patros

Many other sources view the word Mitzrayim as a portmanteau of meitzar (narrow, border, strait) and yam (sea).

Why Is Shabbat HaGadol Called By This Name?

The ancient Egyptians worshipped sheep. When they saw that the Jews were tying sheep to their beds, they became enraged and demanded an explanation for this sacrilege.

Is it proper to eat kosher l’Pesach rolls, pasta, cakes, pizza and “bread” on...

If consuming these products are an enhancement of one's simchas Yom Tov and done l’shem mitzvah, they can be sanctioned with moderation.

Daf Yomi

Re-burial In Eretz Yisrael ‘If One Finds Three [Corpses]…This Is A Graveyard’? (Nazir 64b – 65a)

Nostalgic Anticipation

Rabbi Wein recounts that they imparted to his generation the need to appreciate being part of the eternal people and the responsibility it entails. He also speaks of our need to pridefully convey those messages to our progeny.

How To Recite Birkat HaMazon

Many individuals have the custom to cover or remove any knives that are on the table before reciting Birkat HaMazon. This is because knives, reminiscent of swords, are items that shorten a man’s life, while the table, which represents the altar of G-d, lengthens it.

Turning The Corner (Part II)

If I understood him correctly, Rabbi Pappenheim differentiates between zavit and pinah by explaining that a zavit refers to the inner part of a corner, while a pinah refers to the outer part of a corner.

Is It Proper To Have A Barber Or Hair Stylist Of The Opposite Sex?

In my opinion, what is at stake here is whether one can permit these acts since they represent only a professional interaction with no personal implications.

The Importance Of Testimony: New Moon And Money Matters

The whole Jewish nation set their calendars and holidays based on the words of the witnesses. It was even permissible to come on Shabbos from afar to testify.

Daf Yomi

A Matter Of Health ‘He Who Rounds The Corners Of A Minor[’s Hair]…’ (Nazir 57b)

Looking For Bugs In Produce (Part II)

There is also hilchot treifot. According to the rules of hilchot treifot, we are obligated to check almost every internal organ of an animal. But we don’t. We rely on all types of leniencies and only check the lungs.

Genuine Connection

The Torah does not merely demand that we ‘do certain things.’ The Torah demands that we develop and foster a passionate connection with it.

Is Torah-true Judaism inherently aligned with conservative politics, liberal politics, a combination, or neither...

Neither conservative or liberal politics represent Torah politics. There are definitely aspects of each which are in line with Torah perspectives and ethics, and definitely aspects of each that are opposed to Torah perspectives and ethics.

The Crushed Bar Mitzvah Hat

Netanel tried to straighten the hat as best he could since it was Shabbos, but the damage was done. The hat had a clear crease in it and would need to be either reshaped or replaced.

Daf Yomi

Delaying A Funeral To Honor A Deceased A Nazir May Defile Himself for a Mes Mitzvah (Nazir 47a)

Beyond Bubble Wrap

In a superficial society so focused on externals this is true on many levels. But perhaps it is never truer than regarding the holiday of Purim.

Looking For Bugs In Produce – How Far Must One Go? (Part I)

Let’s be honest. Corn on the cob has always been consumed, along with many other fruits and vegetables that Rav Vaye’s rulings have forbidden (or considerably regulated).

Awesome Balsam

When Maimonides (Laws of Klei HaMikdash 2:4) translates the ingredients for the ketoret into Arabic, he renders tzari as al-balasan (i.e., balsam), but the Biblical term for this ingredient is actually nataf (Exodus 30:34), literally meaning the thing that drips.

Which Mask Do You Wear?

Even Queen Esther went to the king, which she was forbidden to do, in disguise. She dressed up. Yes, she was a queen and she dressed up as a queen. However she was Jewish and nobody knew that, so she was dressing up.

The Case Of The Megillah With A Variant Ksav

Shmuel the Amora rules that although most people buy oxen for work, not meat, we do not follow the majority likelihood in monetary issues.

Daf Yomi

Curling Peiyos “Hair of a Nazir” (Nazir 42a)

Adar – A Hug From Above

Though we live in times of incredible chaos, and there are layers of darkness obscuring Hashem’s light in this world, there are moments of great light where we see the power of hashgacha pratis, a hug from Above.

Faithfully Committed

When the Beis HaMikdash stood we were keenly aware of our ‘marriage’ to Hashem... In exile however, we are isolated and surrounded by a culture that does not ascribe to Torah values.


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