Ben Gvir Ascended the Temple Mount and Guess What – Nothing Happened

Won’t it be the sweetest revenge if he is made Minister of Internal Security someday in the not-too-distant future?

Justice Minister Sa’ar Wants to Split the Attorney General’s Post by Rosh Hashanah

With so much control over the executive branch, the Israeli AG over the years has acquired more power than any other unelected official in the country.

Smotrich Reverses 2005 Disengagement in Northern Samaria

"Thanks to the Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant for his cooperation in regulating the yeshiva.”

Succumbing to Foreign Pressure, Netanyahu Suspends Taxing Anti-Israel NGOs

Netanyahu suspended a similar bill in 2016, under pressure from the Obama administration and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Egyptian Terrorist Carried Quran with Weapons in Planned Attack

Two separate investigations are being carried out by the IDF, with both probes to be completed within the week.

If Libs Voted Their Values, America Would Be Saved

The second reason is most liberals have chosen to believe that the Democratic Party is still the party of John F. Kennedy. They are fooling themselves

Israeli Firm Exposes Cyber Attack on Phones of Senior PA Officials

“We suspect MoleRATs are carrying out these campaigns to obtain sensitive information from its victims to leverage for political purposes.”

Israel Succumbs to US Pressure, Reopens Kerem Shalom Crossing Despite Continued Hamas Fire

The crossing was reopened Wednesday morning even though rocket fire continued to target Kerem Shalom on Tuesday.

Hillel Yaffe Hackers Demanded $10 Million; Much of the Data Gone

It might be a good idea to extend cyber protection to Israeli hospitals right about now.

Jewish Kids Targeted by Antisemitic Gang in London

"He was elbowed in the cheek and he hit his head against the wall. They dislodged a tooth and shouted ‘Get out of the city, Jew!'”

IDF Destroys More than 100 Grenades Thrown by Gaza Rioters

"Hamas continues its terrorist activities along the Gaza Strip, cynically using Gaza residents and endangering children sent to the fence as a cover for terrorist activities."

Gang of 3 Hunts Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn’s Flatbush Neighborhood

New York City Councilmember Kalman Yeger commented in a sarcastic tweet, “Guarantee that assaulting Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn won’t ‘free Palestine.’ ... They'll be caught."

There Goes Jordan, Again…

Celebrating Its Terrorists As Heroes

EU to Ban Russia from SWIFT, US Sanctions Putin, Ukraine to Get More Military...

Russian soldiers are finding the invasion tougher than they expected: A Russian soldier was heard on a radio call saying, “We don’t know who to shoot -- they all look like us.”

Watch: PM Netanyahu Exposes Iran’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Program

Israel acquired all the files from Iran's secret nuclear weapons program, and Prime Minister Netanyahu exposed them to the world.

The Forward Misinforms Readers to Promote Anti-Circumcision Agenda

The Forward says circumcision rates in Israel are dropping, with no data to support their claim, but two surveys prove the rates are actually rising.

Search of Temple Mount Reveals Flammables Ready for Use

This is not the first time terrorist weapons have been stockpiled in the mosque for use on the Temple Mount against police and Jews visiting the holy site.

No More Concealed Carry Guns to Protect NYC Synagogues, Religious Centers and Other Sensitive...

State lawmakers passed the upgraded gun control laws in response to a US Supreme Court decision several months ago that struck down the state's century-old pistol permit process.

Study: Least Friendly Countries to Jews in Europe: Belgium & Poland; Friendliest: Italy &...

"Rigorous cooperation between the Jewish community and the Hungarian government in recent times has yielded immediate and direct improvements."

Special Forces Soldier Shot by Friendly Fire During Refugee Camp Raid

Overnight Wednesday, IDF forces together with the Shin Bet, Border Guard and Israel Police arrested 25 wanted persons in Judea and Samaria.

IDF Wipes Out Family of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza

Hazem Ismail Haniyeh and the rest of the family were killed during IDF attacks in Gaza.

Ramming Attack Foiled at Gush Etzion Junction

The terrorist's car crashed into iron posts that were installed in front of the bus stop as a protective measure precisely for such an attack.

First Elections Poll Is Out: Bibi Stays, Labor Sinking from 24 to 9

Habayit Hayehudi headed by Naftali Bennett receives 11 seats in the new poll, compared to 8 in the current Knesset.

Lag B’Omer Celebrations in Full Swing at Tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in...

This holiday is especially cherished in Israel, where thousands of bonfires are lit on the evening of the holiday to commemorate the huge light brought into the world by the mystical teachings of the great sage.

“Is the Biden Administration at War with Israel?”

The behavior of the Biden administration towards Israel is all the more worrying in that at the same time, it places itself in a weak position regarding negotiations with Iran

Orthodox Jews’ Favorite Eric Adams Wins Democratic Primary, Will Be Next Mayor

Satmar were not necessarily convinced that Adams was their man because of the good things he had to say about Israel.

Palestinians: Abbas’s Security Doubletalk

Abbas is still playing his old game. Out of one side of his mouth he claimed a desire for a peaceful solution to the metal detectors crisis, and out of the other side, he egged his people on to murder more and more Israelis.


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