Photo Credit: Rosh Yehudi’s Facebook
Thousands attended Yom Kippur prayers unmolested at Dizengoff Circle in 5783.

Last year, thousands of Tel Aviv residents celebrated Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Circle, hosted by Rosh Yehudi. No bands of antisemitic thugs tried to break down their prayers, and the experience remained deeply rooted in their hearts so this year they were hoping to repeat the experience. They couldn’t. A combination of a smattering of deeply-antisemitic Israelis, not more than 200 of them all over the metropolitan area, who crashed the prayers, and encouragement by the municipality and the courts who forbade the setting up of mechitzah, joined to ruin the experience.

But, you know, the Internet has a very long memory. So, here’s a tweet from the same Tel Aviv municipality, the same Mayor Huldai, who last year had nothing but sweet things to say about the exact same event they now vilify:


The Tel Aviv Municipality
October 5, 2022

No, it’s not the line at the bakery. Gmar chatima tova.

Tel Aviv municipality tweet, October 5, 2022. / Screenshot

And this was the shofar at the end of the Ne’ila prayer only one year ago:

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