TAU Archaeologists Discover 4500-Year-Old Fingerprints on Children’s Craftwork

"We wanted to use the fingerprints on the pottery to understand how urbanization and centralization of government functions affected the demographics of the ceramic industry. "

PA Antiquities Robbers Caught Red-Handed in Temple Period Caves

In the ancient Kharbat Umm A-Ros there are remains of a Jewish settlement that lasted from the time of the Second Temple to the time of the Bar-Kochba revolt.

Dig Reveals Assyrian King Sennacherib’s Invasion’s Impact on Judean Economy

These recent excavations indicate that the original Judahite administrative structure that existed on this site was completely destroyed.

TAU Researchers: Roman Siege of Masada Did Not Last Years – Only a Few...

"The Romans came, saw, and conquered, and the suppression of the rebellion in the isolated site was done quickly and without mercy."

First Temple Period Stone Seal Discovered in Jerusalem – Was Used to Sign Royal...

Given his elevated status and position of power, Hoshayahu felt entitled to enhance the seal's significance.

As war Rages in Nearby Gaza Beautiful Roman Murals Unearthed in Ashkelon

These ancient decorated tombs were discovered decades ago, but few have ever seen them.

Ancient Drainage Canal Tells Jerusalem’s Story from Prosperity to Ruin

This channel ran below Jerusalem's vibrant marketplaces near the Temple Mount and stretched the entire length of the City of David.

Huge Second Temple Era Quarry Discovered on Jerusalem’s Mount Hotzvim

"It can be assumed, with a great deal of caution, that at least some of the stones that were carved here were used as paving slabs for the streets of Jerusalem."

Excavations Reveal Extent of Nazi and Soviet Ruin of the Great Vilna Synagogue

The excavations uncovered the Great Synagogue’s bath house and mikvahs.

Archaeologists Uncover Jerusalem’s Monumental Fortifications

Over the past 150 years, many attempts have been made by researchers and archaeologists to trace the route of the northern fortification of Jerusalem.

3,800-Year-Old Red Textile Dyed Using Worms Discovered in Judean Desert Cave

This is the earliest evidence of textile dyed with kermes, which researchers identify with the "scarlet worm" in the source texts.

Boy Discovers Ancient Athena Engraved Ring on Mount Carmel

The small bronze ring probably belonged to a woman or girl during the late Roman period (2nd-3rd Century CE).

3,300-Year-Old Ship’s Cargo Found in Deep Sea off Israel’s Shore

"The discovery of this boat now changes our entire understanding of the ancient mariners' abilities."

New Study Suggests Some Tefillin Boxes Were Not Colored Black 2,000 Years Ago

“It is possible that in the beginning, there was no halakhic significance to the color of tefillin boxes.”

Early 20th Century British Coats-of-Arms Discovered on Jerusalem Building Walls

There’s also the shield of Jewish aristocrat Sir Edward Stern (1854-1933), uncle of philanthropist Vera Salomons.

2300-Year-Old Gold Ring Discovered in City of David

The gold ring find and other discoveries show the city’s healthy economy and even its elite status.

Radiocarbon Study Determines Dates of City of David Buildings, Matching Them to Biblical Events

The researchers accurately dated the walls built in Jerusalem during the First Temple period and identified areas of extensive construction during the reign of the kings of Judah.

6,000-Years-Old Ivory Vessel Discovered in Southern Israel

Further biomolecular analyses will establish where the ivory originated, based on the elephant's diet.

High School Student from Hod HaSharon Discovers 1600-Year-Old Oil Lamp

The oil lamp was likely produced in Petra, in Jordan, between the fourth and fifth centuries CE.

Hiding Complex that May Have Been Used in the Bar Kochba Revolt Unearthed near...

It is the most extensive hiding complex discovered to date in Galilee.

Coin Inscribed ‘Elazar the Priest’ Dated to Bar Kokhva’s Revolt Discovered in Judean Desert

The excavation will begin on March 11, 2024, and will last ten days. Registration and details on the Israel Antiquities Authority Website.

Second Temple Era Mysterious Stone Box Going on Display at Israel Museum

Archaeologist Nachman Avigad jokingly called the object 50 years ago a "nuts and seeds bowl," and the name stuck.

1,800-Year-Old Roman Legion Base Exposed at the Foot of Tel Megiddo

“A unique opportunity to uncover part of the full-scale Roman legionary base.”

Hiker Discovers Ancient Assyrian Scarab Amulet in Lower Galilee

The beautiful scarab was found at the foot of Tel Reches, one of the most important tels (hills) in the north of the country.

Rare 2,550-Year-Old Silver Sheqel Discovered in the Judean Hills

The coin was discovered during road works of the Netivei Israel National Transport Infrastructure Company.

IDF Reservists Discover Ancient Wheat Mortar in Gaza

“We were excited to suddenly receive a greeting from the past and deal with good news for a change.”

Israeli Researchers Use Earth’s Magnetic Field to Verify Biblical Battle of Gath

New technology interprets archaeological findings from biblical times.

Soldiers Discover 1,500-Year-Old Candle in Gaza Envelope Troops Staging Area

"The war creates extraordinary situations on the archaeological front as well."

Ancient Roof Tiles Associated with King Antiochus’s Rule Discovered in City of David

During a military expedition to Jerusalem in 168 BCE, Antiochus IV erected the Acra fortress either on or just outside the Temple Mount.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/archaeology-news/tau-archaeologists-discover-4500-year-old-fingerprints-on-childrens-craftwork/2024/10/13/

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