Photo Credit: Flash 90
The flags of the US, United Arab Emirates, Israel and Bahrain seen on the side of a road in the city of Netanya.

History in Israel’s relations with Bahrain was recorded Wednesday when the Jewish state’s first official business delegation landed in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, and met with Bahrain’s Minister of Industry and Commerce Ziad Al Zayani and with senior banking and business officials.

Senior officials from the two countries attended the meeting, the first of its kind since the signing of the Abraham Accords between Bahrain and Israel in Washington on September 15.


The Israeli delegation is led by the President of the Manufacturers’ Association, Dr. Ron Tomer, the Chairman of the Export Institute, Adiv Baruch, Bank Hapoalim CEO Dov Kotler, and other senior officials.

The purpose of the visit is to promote business relations between the countries, with an emphasis on cooperation between the banks, so that businesspeople from both countries can start and trade.

Bahrain is a regional finance center and has announced its desire to develop and promote the fintech sector.

In a press release issued by Minister al-Zayani, he welcomed the first economic delegation from Israel and noted that building economic relations between the two countries is an important step in establishing peace agreements.

Bahrain and Israel see great business potential in establishing commercial and financial ties and that the visit is an opening to strengthen economic ties between the two countries, al-Zayani said.

Chairman of the Export Institute Adiv Baruch said that “the emirate market, and with it, the market of the entire Arab world, is a tremendous opportunity for the Israeli economy in general, and for exports in particular.”

“Building trust during the meetings here with the first business delegation is the beginning of a long-term relationship that will serve all exporters,” he added.

Bank Hapoalim CEO Dov Kotler said that the “relations with Bahrain are a tremendous opportunity for Israeli businessmen with an emphasis on fintech companies. We found in the hosts a desire to build a joint business.”

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