Photo Credit: Likud
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as 'The Bibi-Sitter.'

There was a Prime Minister named Netanyahu He had Israeli children to feed and to school The UN Commission on Women said, “Nu, You should have watched over PA women too!”

Sometimes one just has to sit back and wonder when the members of the United Nations are going to come home from DisneyLand.


On Friday (March 20) the UN Commission on the Status of Women actually passed a resolution blaming Israel for “the grave situation of Palestinian women.”

Anyone who has had a look at the mansions on the hills behind the photo-op shacks along the roads of Judea and Samaria knows what a sham this is. Whatever crisis exists is one of the PA government’s own making, fed by its leadership’s insatiable appetite for Jewish and Arab blood and terror, and drained by the unending parade of foreign aid-supported salaries paid to incarcerated life-sentence terrorist prisoners who performed their “jihad” (holy war) by attacking Israelis — both Jews and Arabs.

“The Israeli occupation remains the major obstacle for Palestinian women with regard to their advancement, self-reliance and integration in the development of their society,” according to the resolution. As usual the international community is asked to pick up the tab for what is called “the dire humanitarian crisis being faced by Palestinian women and their families.”

Oddly, Israel was the only country to be singled out by the commission – oddly, because Iran hangs women for weird reasons, yet that nation was not mentioned — and yet it seems as though the UN Commission on the Status of Women is beginning to mimic the UN Human Rights Council. Perhaps they’ve been taking lessons.

This agency functions under the same international body that has granted these women status as residents of a “non-member observer state” – that is, an independent sovereign nation as yet undeclared officially in the UN Security Council. We have yet to see how long that will last. U.S. President Barack Obama has been threatening to abandon Israel there; if he does, the entire world may change — again.

Two governments, as a matter of fact, given that the Palestinian Authority is actually comprised of not one, but two governments.

The so-called “unity government” touted by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas under the pact with Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization requires a separate government for that region. Gaza is still treated as a separate state, as it has been since Hamas seized control and ousted the PA’s leading Fatah faction in 2007.

So two governments, for one Palestinian people, in the one Palestinian Authority which has two Palestinian states comprising one Palestine … ? It’s all very confusing.

Why should Israel be held responsible for the “grave situation” of women whose welfare falls under the aegis of their own government? The government of the entity sponsored the resolution, in fact.

Yes. It does sound a little contradictory doesn’t it? But the resolution was sponsored by South Africa and by the Palestinians. It passed with 13 abstentions, by a vote of 27-2. Only the United States and Israel voted against it.

European Union members – cowards that they are – abstained. We will see how the vote goes one day when such cowardice brings the chickens home to roost.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, denounced the resolution of course. “If anyone has ever doubted that the UN is biased against Israel, today we got further proof,” he said.

“Of the 193 member states in this institution, dozens slaughter innocent civilians and impose discriminatory laws that marginalize women and yet they all get a free pass,” he observed.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.