In light of the tragic disaster at the Meron Lag B’Omer celebration that claimed 45 lives and more than 120 injuries, Magen David Adom held blood donation drives across the country on Friday. The general public crowded at the various MDA stations, and at the end of the special donation drive, 2,208 life-saving blood units were donated. Among the donors – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Meron Aftermath: MDA Asks Public to Continue Blood Donations).

Magen David Adom thanked the public for their extensive and emotional response, in just a few hours, and reminds that the blood unit collected is intended to save the lives of those injured in the festival in Meron and other patients hospitalized in hospitals across the country.

2,208 Israelis donated blood Friday following Meron calamity, April 30, 2021. / Nadav Matzner / MDA

Each unit of blood can help save the lives of three sick or injured people who need blood. The blood unit is only valid for 35 days and therefore the MDA blood services ask the public to continue to come and donate blood during the coming weeks.

Those interested in inviting a phlebotomist team to organizing groups (over 30 people) in the residential neighborhoods and workplaces can contact MDA Blood Services on 03-9101101.

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