Photo Credit: Olivier Fitoussi / Flash 90
Ayelet Shaked, May 26, 2021.

The internal split in PM Yair Lapid’s caretaker government, which pits Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked on one side, and nearly everyone else on the other, suffered another crack when Shaked strongly criticized Lapid’s decision on the potential maritime border agreement with Lebanon.

Shaked tweeted out a very strongly worded statement that it is absolutely forbidden for such an important agreement to pass without a review by the real sovereign, which is the Knesset. She said the agreement must be approved by the Knesset and that the Israeli public has the right to know the details of the agreement. Shaked added that everything must be fully transparent, making it very clear that right now it is anything but that.


Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar, who joined Defence Minister’s Benny Gantz’s leftwing party, also commented today that the agreement will be placed before the Knesset.

It is unclear is Sa’ar said that as a statement of fact, or that this is what he thinks should happen.

The details of the agreement haven’t been made public and it appears that Lapid had hoped to only put the agreement to a vote in the cabinet.

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