Photo Credit: Honenu
A bus was attacked by Arab stone throwers near Mt. Olives cemetery, April 19, 2021.

The Honenu hotline reported receiving an alert on Monday afternoon regarding a bus that was attacked by Arabs with stones outside the Mount Olives cemetery.

The passengers, who looked Haredi, fled in the direction of Mount Scopus. One injured female passenger was evacuated to the hospital. Police arrived at the scene only about half an hour after the event.


One of the bus passengers reported: “We were in the cemetery’s 1948 section on Al-Muqdasi Street. When we returned, a huge stone was thrown at us. The stone penetrated the bus’s windshield and miraculously no one was sitting where it hit. The stone did hit the leg of an older woman, it was a large and sharp stone.”

The passenger reported that United Hatzalah paramedics evacuated the woman to the hospital, while passengers were trying to contact the police.

“I called the police immediately, and after 25 minutes I called again, wondering why they were not coming, and a few minutes afterward they arrived,” he said.

Honenu attorney Haim Bleicher said: “In recent days, we have received many cases of severe anti-Semitic attacks from Jerusalem and the rest of the country – from the north and Jaffa. This is an anti-Semitic wave of many incited Israeli Arab Arabs. There is an urgent need for a defensive operation against the enemy, the students of the Mufti, Hitler’s collaborator. For our part, we will make an effort to prosecute the enemy both in the criminal proceedings and in civil lawsuits against any anti-Semitic action,” Bleicher concluded.

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