Photo Credit: Courtesy of Save Bevis Marks Synagogue
Bevis Marks Synagogue

The World-famous Bevis Marks, known as the “cathedral synagogue” of British Jewry, which was the first synagogue built less than 50 years after Jews had been allowed back into England in 1656, is facing an “existential threat” if proposals to build two nearby high-rise office blocks in the City of London are given the go-ahead, the group #SaveBevisMarks said in a press release Wednesday.

Bevis Marks is a Grade 1 Listed heritage building of international significance which on Saturday (September 4) will celebrate 320 years of regular services. Initially intended for Jews living in the City of London, it is now a center of worship for people from all over the world.


It was built in 1701 in the Ward of Aldgate after the Jews (banished from England by Edward I in 1290) were allowed back by Oliver Cromwell. The synagogue survived the Blitz of World War II and two IRA bomb attacks in the 1990s. Today it is the home of the UK’s Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community and is the only non-Christian house of worship in the City of London.

Now the future of the historic synagogue is up in the air. Developers are proposing to build two high-rise offices directly next door – a 21-story building on Creechurch Lane and a 48-floor tower on Bury Street. A decision is expected in early October.

The cumulative impact, says #SaveBevisMarks, combined with other buildings already built a third tower already approved, means that except for one hour during the day, sunlight would be completely blocked out, making daily services almost impossible.

Historic England has strongly criticized the City of London’s planning department about the local authority’s policies and proposals for future land use in the area, stating in a letter: “We believe that fundamental shortcomings in the draft plan risk encouraging development that will seriously harm the significance of the City’s historic environment, including some of the country’s most important heritage assets (Bevis Marks). In its current form, we consider that the draft Plan should not be considered sound.”

That’s British understatement for “trash the damn thing.”

Shalom Morris, a Rabbi for Bevis Marks, said: “While each new development on its own is unacceptable, all of them together would be catastrophic. The very survival of our great synagogue as a place of worship is at stake.”

“We find ourselves as a community alarmed and frustrated that the City policy of focusing tall, high-density development in the Eastern City Cluster has failed to take into account the importance and extreme sensitivity of this Grade I listed synagogue,” Morris said. “It represents the unique historic connection between the Jewish community and Britain, and plays such a vital role in London’s heritage.”

According to him, “not only will the light—on which the building depends for ambiance, spirituality, and atmosphere—be blocked, but the very foundations will be at risk. Yet the Jewish community’s British heritage is treated by the planners and developers as just another building,” Moris said.

Bevis Marks trustees highlighted a “systemic planning failure” with “total disregard” for the Jewish community, fearing for the future of this Grade 1 Listed heritage asset if plans are given the go-ahead.

Jonathan Solomons, Chair of Bevis Marks Synagogue, said: “Due to the pandemic, there’s already, unfortunately, a surplus of office space in the City so it doesn’t need another tower block. We’ve been good neighbors for many years and tolerated new developments but these latest applications are a step too far, riding roughshod over cultural sensitivities. Enough is enough.

“The City of London Corporation has no comprehensive framework in place to identify heritage features of outstanding importance within or near the cluster. They are leaving us to the mercy of individual site owners who come forward randomly – put applications in – change them – don’t change them – push them – abandon them – build them – don’t build them. This is a piecemeal and opportunistic approach that threatens not just Jewish but everyone’s heritage.”

Former Lord Mayor of London and former City of London Planning Committee member Sir Michael Bear added: “I have been an ardent supporter of the City’s policy for increasing the modern office stock in the City and the principle of appropriately sited tall buildings. I believe the City has steered a responsible course in this respect, balancing the many competing demands and challenges of creating a global financial powerhouse in a medieval street pattern.

“However, I am both bewildered and perplexed at the way that the genuine considerations of heritage and the impacts of wind, light, and community have been treated. This is a total disregard for one of the only surviving examples of an intact Wren style City place of worship with original interior.”

Multiple reports submitted to the City of London Corporation’s planning committee show current light levels are “dangerously low”. The most significant feature of the synagogue, known worldwide, is that it is lit by up to 240 candles. These were supplemented in 1928 by limited electric lighting, which now cannot be enhanced due to restrictions enforced on Grade 1 listed buildings.

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