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X owner Elon Musk tweeted on Tuesday: “To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!”


Musk has been offended by ADL’s accusing him and his social media platform of antisemitism, but his threatened lawsuit will focus on the ADL of allegedly pressuring US advertisers to boycott X, cutting his ad revenue.

On Monday, Musk tweeted: “Since the acquisition, the ADL has been trying to kill this platform by falsely accusing it & me of being antisemitic.” And, “Our US advertising revenue is still down 60%, primarily due to pressure on advertisers by ADL (that’s what advertisers tell us), so they almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter!”

Conservative user Collin Rugg reminded his followers on Tuesday that before he was fired from Fox News, Tucker Carlson attacked ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt for taking money to slander people.

“If you’ve got an enemy, there’s a good chance that with a big enough check, you can pay Jonathan Greenblatt to denounce that person on television. And we’re pretty sure something like that has happened to us,” Carlson said on Fox.

On Tuesday, we, too, reported on Greenblatt’s schlepping the ADL way to the left, as seen by his persecution of a right-wing, Orthodox Jewish influencer (When Did ADL Start Hunting Down Jews?).

Musk noted that “the ADL, because they are so aggressive in their demands to ban social media accounts for even minor infractions, are ironically the biggest generators of anti-Semitism on this platform!”

Or, as Irish right-winger Keith Woods put it: “Alex Jones doesn’t want to #BanTheADL because ‘they’re the most pro-Hitler organization I’ve ever seen.’”

Greenblatt told CNN’s Abby Phillip: “There is a problem across all social media services. We’ve talked about it before. I’ve talked about it on this network. I’ve talked about it with Elon Musk. Literally, anti-Jewish acts have reached historic levels in the United States. The highest number we’ve seen in 40-some-odd years of tracking it. The truth is I’m concerned about what’s happening in this country. I’m deeply worried about the antisemitism affecting American Jews. Frivolous lawsuits, wild claims, I can’t respond to them. I’ve got to do my job, which is to fight hate.”

You go, girl.

In late July, X sued the Center for Countering Digital Hate for “using flawed methodologies to advance incorrect, misleading narratives.” The lawsuit was for all the damage the Center’s publications caused X, plus interest. It is estimated that X’s revenues are still down by about 60% since the Musk takeover. How much of that he will blame on the ADL will depend on his lawyers.

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