Qatar Announces ‘Pause’ to Liquified Natural Gas Shipping via Red Sea

QatarEnergy, the world's second largest exporter of liquified natural gas, has thus far stopped at least four tankers from transiting the Red Sea due to the ongoing attacks.

Watch: PM Netanyahu Addresses Retaliatory Attack Against the Houthis

"The drone attack that struck Israel in the early morning hours yesterday shows that more than defensive action is needed to curtail the Houthis. Offensive action is also needed...."

Report: Iranian Uranium Intended for Houthis Falls into Al Qaeda Hands

What will Al Qaeda do with its Iranian gift of uranium, the fuel most widely used by nuclear power plants for nuclear fission?

Crew Members Killed in First Deadly Houthi Attack on Civilian Ship in Red Sea

Washington sanctioned two ship owners and two vessels tied to "an Iran-based, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed Houthi financial facilitator."

Ousted Yemen President Killed by Iranian-Backed Houthis

The death is expected to have a major impact on the Iranian-Saudi proxy war taking place in Yemen, the poorest nation in the Arab world.

IDF Foils Houthi Aerial Attacks on Eilat, First Use of Arrow System

“IAF detection systems tracked the trajectory of the missile, which was successfully intercepted by the “Arrow” Aerial Defense System at the optimal moment."

Trump Administration Weighs Designating Houthi Rebels in Yemen as Terrorists

The Defense Department, State Department employees, the United Nations and humanitarian groups are reportedly against such a move.

US, UK Forces Intercept 21 Missiles, Drones Fired by Houthis from Yemen

The incident constituted the 26th Houthi attack on commercial shipping lanes in the Red Sea since Nov. 19. There were no injuries or damage reported.

Saudi Arabia Becomes Reluctant US Partner in Protecting Israel from Iran

“The United States does not seek conflict with Iran; we do not want this war to widen. But if Iran or its proxies attack US personnel anywhere, make no mistake, we will defend our people, we will defend our security, swiftly and decisively.”

Houthis Board Israeli-Owned Oil Tanker Off Yemen’s Red Sea Coast

US Naval forces are "engaged in the situation," the Ambrey security firm reported.

US Navy Arrests Houthi Pirates Attacking Israeli Vessel, Missiles Fired at American Ship Within...

The pirates were arrested and are being questioned by the US military under counter-piracy authorities.

US Imposes New Sanctions on Iran Over Ballistic Missile Tests

President Trump backed up his threat with new sanctions against Iran in response to Tehran's latest ballistic missile test.

Israel Uses C-Dome to Eliminate ‘Aerial Target’ Heading for Eilat

The C-Dome is a ship-mounted version of Israel's acclaimed Iron Dome aerial defense system.

US Secy of State Tillerson Explains Trump’s New Counter Terrorism Executive Order

"This order is part of our ongoing efforts to eliminate vulnerabilities that radical Islamist terrorists can and will exploit for destructive ends."

13 Nations Warn Houthis to Stop Attempts to Paralyze Red Sea Shipping

"The Houthis will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways."

Pompeo in Cairo: Trump Will ‘Expel Every Iranian Boot’ from Syria

"In falsely seeing ourselves as a force for what ails the Middle East, we were timid about asserting ourselves when the times — and our partners — demanded it," Pompeo said.

US Transfers ‘Significant Number’ of Patriot Missiles in Mideast to Saudi Arabia

A U.S. State Department spokesman reportedly stated that the Biden administration has been helping the country “strengthen air defenses in response to a rising number of aerial attacks from Yemen.”

Hamas Joining Hezbollah under the Iranian ‘Shi’ite Crescent’ in Lebanon

Shin Bet director Nadav Argaman told cabinet ministers that Hamas is setting up a base across Israel’s northern border with assistance from Iran.

UAE Reunites 2 Yemenite Jewish Families After 21 Years of Separation

The family members were kept apart due to the security situation in Yemen and financial difficulties.

Arab League Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Group

Hezbollah is becoming increasingly isolated in the Arab world because of its loyalty to Iran.
An F-16C Fighting Falcon firing an AGM-88 high-speed antiradiation missile at a target. The HARM is an air-to-surface missile designed to seek and destroy enemy radar-equipped air defense systems. The F-16 is the only aircraft in the Air Force capable of using the HARM.

US and UK Strike Military Targets in Yemen in Response to Houthi Attacks in...

"The United States and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most critical commercial routes."

US Asks Israel to Not Respond to Houthi Attacks

Washington told Israel to let the American military handle the Houthi threat, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Guterres ‘Deeply Concerned’ over Israeli Strike on Hudaydah, Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’

He called on all UN Member States defending their vessels from attacks to do so "in accordance with international law."

IDF Chief Says Israel Willing to Share Intel with Moderate Arab States in First-Ever...

"In this matter [of Iran] there is complete agreement between us and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

Sad Anniversary: Six Months After Oct. 7 Israel Still Fights for Survival

Israelis are no longer willing to live with a constant existential threat on its borders.

US: Chinese Navy Ignored Distress Calls of Hijacked Israeli Ship

The 22-member crew of the Central Park was uninjured, according to CENTCOM.

American Jews Rethink Loyalty to Democratic Party Over Iran Deal

American Jews rethink their support for the Democratic party after the U.S. deal allows Iran to keep its nuclear program.

UAE Seeks to Increase Its Israeli Defense Technology After 3 Killed in Drone Attack

A deadly attack on Abu Dhabi by Iranian-linked Houthi rebels in Yemen left three people dead and six others injured.

US Seizes Iranian Guided Missile Parts Going to Yemen Rebels

The announcement came at about the time Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was meeting in Lisbon, Portugal with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the situation in Iran.

In First Major Foreign Policy Speech Biden Calls Off Saudi Arabia’s Fight Against Iran’s...

Biden insisted that his speech was intended to “send a clear message to the world: America is back,” but he might as well have said Jimmy Carter's America was back.


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