Photo Credit: courtesy, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Eli Spivak's self-regulating new carry-on luggage.

On Thursday, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design is unveiling its end-of-year innovations by more than 400 graduating students.

Contrary to popular belief, many of the creations this time are those produced by the Academy’s industrial design students, whose work will have a global impact in fields like tactical medicine, home healthcare, combatting the growing global food shortages and mosquito control.


This year, among the highlights are a field blood supply kit for tactical medics to utilize in the field, a home dialysis machine, artificial fruit to combat the global food and vitamin shortage, and an invention for mosquito population control.

In past years, innovative projects like tables capable of sheltering students from earthquakes and up to 2 tons of debris; programs to gauge disaster communications; chairs and crutches for the wounded made out of lightweight, corrugated cardboard and plastic joints (lightweight for the purpose of being able to transport without the assistance of trucks if necessary); innovative sensory wall panels for deaf children; and sturdy, yet expandable shoes for the elderly or those suffering from other foot ailments.

The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design was founded in 1906 and is the oldest institution of higher education in the Jewish State.

Here are a few of this year’s top offerings:

Quickup by Shay Glikman: A wheelchair-accessible seat that opens easily and allows for needs.

Public toilets are everywhere and allow us to use them. For a disabled person sitting in a wheelchair, using public toilets is challenging or impossible. The toilets for the disabled are not suitable for the disabled who are unable to make a move between the wheelchair and the toilet. The experience in public toilets becomes a nightmare for both the user and the therapist.

Quickup enable the disabled person to relieve himself without having to move to the toilet itself, and the impossible becomes possible.

BIOsive by Yehuda Hermann: A progressive biological system for mosquito control

Man’s war against mosquitoes is thousands of years old. In the modern world this war has escalated, and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes each year cost about 750,000 people’s lives. In his final project, Yehuda Hermann chose to develop an innovative system that would keep the company from attempts to exterminate the mosquitoes using chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment.

The project launches an innovative system that transforms the adult mosquito into a carrying tool for Bacillus bacteria that attacks mosquito larvae in their incubation environment.

Neo Fruit by Meydan Levy

Man has always been nourished by plants as an obvious source. The growth of the population, the development of industry and dependence on natural resources have led to a global food crisis that requires alternatives to the consumption of nutritional values found in nature. This project offers artificial fruits containing the varied diet that we need.

Just as natural fruit acts as a case for seeds for the plant purposes, these fruits have been designed as a package for human needs, including the preservation of nutritional content and useful practice, and they seek to close the gap between man and technology through emotional experience.

Reni by Michal Simon: Friendly home dialysis machine

The appearance and behavior of objects sometimes causes us to perceive them as having a personality or intentions. The project examines how we can use our natural approach to humanization, to influence the product experience.

Reni is a smart home dialysis system that accompanies the user in treating and coping with kidney disease daily. It enables treatment in the comfortable home environment while maintaining contact with the medical staff, monitoring and controlling the quality of treatment. Reni puts the patient in the center by making him the once that controls it, while building a supportive and empathic relationship.

OBO by Oran Sheinman: Custom-made sandals

Origami; Soft Mechanics – The ability to transform simple surfaces into objects with organic motion and grace. OBO is a soliloquy inspired by origami wisdom, and with the application of paper folding mechanics, allows maximum movement without sacrificing protection.

The mechanism is able to contract and expand in order to provide free shock relief and relaxation of the foot muscles, and the combination of printing technology and 3D scanning provides a perfect fit for each leg. OBO is an innovative solution in the field of footwear, combining the world of comfort with the world of barefoot walking.

BCarrier by Netta Shanwald: A kit to transport and store blood to a military area

Blood loss from injury requires immediate treatment, but there are cases where bringing blood to the casualty is not simple. In military space descriptors, the conditions required for the preservation and mobilization of blood units are challenging, and therefore different solutions from standard medical descriptions are required.

BCarrier is a kit that is tailored to these needs and is designed for use in special units. The kit enables the carrying and delivery of blood units in various conditions, while maintaining versatility and safety.

Compackt by Eli Spivak: Redefining Luggage

As you have already packed your own bag, take 50% more items with you in this compact suitcase. No need to send your suitcase to the cargo hold and wait for it to emerge on the baggage carousel. Just a blue-sky thought? Turns out, it is within our grasp.

Compackt is a carry-on luggage equipped with a vacuum compartment that allows the suction of excess air with an incorporated pump. A built-in scale will display the suitcase’s weight to keep you from exceeding the airline’s limits. 360° wheels will allow it to move effortlessly on various surfaces at different destinations, and when you return home you can fold it to half its size and store it with ease. Have a pleasant flight!

Fiz, by Nitsan Ravid: A Smart Tool for Practicing Physical Therapy at Home

The physical rehabilitation period is a challenging time in which patients are required to practice daily at home, while many do not have the tools or the motivation to follow this routine.

Fiz is designed to accompany the patient during the rehabilitation process at home in the aim of improving, refining, and shortening the rehabilitation period. It’s a smart wearable product and corresponding game app that helps users practice their daily physical exercises. With the help of an embedded sensor system, Fiz becomes a “wearable remote control” whose movement is translated into movements in the game.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.