Aleph Beta: Behar-Bechukotai: Walking With God

What does the omer & agricultural laws pe'ah & leket teach about the Biblical approach to holidays?

Aleph Beta: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Social Justice…and Sacrifices?‏

Rabbi Fohrman asks what's the connection between animal sacrifices and leaving crops for the poor?

Aleph Beta: Tazria-Metzora: Rejoining the Community‏

Rabbi Fohrman connects the metzora purification process with the korban pesach.

Aleph Beta: Shemini: What Does Aaron Teach Us About Loss?‏

What do we learn about overcoming loss from the argument between Moses and Aaron's remaining 2 sons?

Aleph Beta: Tzav: A Deeper Look At The Priestly Role

Why does Torah make the priests go through a long and seemingly bizarre induction ceremony?

Aleph Beta: Vayakhel-Pekudei: God In Space, God In Time

Rabbi Fohrman considers what it mean to bring God into this world through space and through time.

Aleph Beta: Ki Tisa: A Closer Look At Kiddush‏

Over and over, the text tells us about "keeping" Shabbat, about holiness, and a covenant - but why?

Aleph Beta: Tetzaveh: Angels In the Tabernacle Part II‏

How the 3 partitions of the mishkan each relate to a layer of creation, aiding our connection to God

Aleph Beta: Terumah: Angels In the Tabernacle?‏

The keruvim, or cherubs, appear in the tabernacle in three different places. What is their meaning?

Aleph Beta: Mishpatim: Did Our History Become Laws?

Be Forewarned: Rabbi Fohrman on our forefathers and foremothers forming the law.

Aleph Beta: Yitro: Seeing Ten Commandments In the Burning Bush

Connecting the Ten Commandments to the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.

Aleph Beta: Beshalach: Fruit Trees In the Sea?

A strange midrash of fruit trees surrounding the Nation of Israel as they walked to freedom

AlephBeta: Bo: God’s Justice in Action

Before performing the 10th plague God makes a fundamental argument about the ultimate nature of justice.

Aleph Beta: Va’era: Seeing God In Science‏

Rabbi Fohrman asks about an interesting name of God and leads a whirlwind tour of modern cosmology

Aleph Beta: Shmot: Does God Really “Love” Us?‏

Rabbi Fohrman explores a midrash about God's names in this week's parsha

Aleph Beta: Vayechi: A Tap On The Shoulder‏

Rabbi Fohrman addresses the question, "Do we ever feel God's tap on our shoulder?"

Aleph Beta: Vayigash: Understanding Pharaoh’s Dream‏

Rabbi Fohrman explores the question of how God communicates with us today.

Aleph Beta: Miketz: Reversing the Sale of Joseph‏

Exploring the connection between Pharaoh's dreams and the story of Joseph being sold into slavery.

Vayeishev: Does God Speak To Us Today?‏

Using Joseph's story to understand what non-prophetic communication with God could look like today

Vayeitzei: Understanding Rachel’s World‏

There's a perfect mirror between Jacob running away from Esav to when he reunites with his brother.

Toldot: What Is Isaac’s Legacy?

Looking at examples of the word "toldot" to argue we produce not only children but vision and legacy

Chayei Sarah: Eliezer and Samuel’s Surprising Connection‏

What is the surprising connection‏ between Eliezer and Samuel? Find out with Rabbi David Fohrman

Vayeira: Abram, Sarai, Hagar, Ishmael and…Exodus?‏

The story of Vayeira is a basis for our slavery and ultimate exodus from Egypt.

Lech Lecha: The Battle For Abraham’s Legacy‏

How do the stories in Lech Lecha help us understand the central tension of Abraham's life, legacy?

Bereishit: Thank You, God…For Making Me A Woman?‏

Rabbi Fohrman:" Great evils are often wrought by those who are blithely unaware of the power they wield."

V’Zot Habracha: Looking Towards the Future‏

The Jewish world today is a critical part of the timeline in Jewish history.

Ha’azinu: A Unique Nation

Once we recognize that our separation from God is our fault, how do we repair it?

Nitzavim-Vayeilech: “Where’s the Happy Ending?”

As Moshe is about to die, why does God tell him about how the Israelites will ruin everything?


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