United Jerusalem: A Shared US-Israel Legacy and Interest

PM Bennett should heed Israel’s Founding Father, David Ben-Gurion, who stated: “Jerusalem is equal to the whole of the Land of Israel.”

Biden’s Middle East Visit: The Nuts and Bolts

When considering Biden’s demands for Israeli concessions, Israeli Prime Minister Lapid should study the conduct of previous Israeli premiers.

Israel Welcomes Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib

Israel realizes that tolerating criticism does not reflect vacillation, but open-mindedness and an opportunity to highlight critical data, as was the case in prior visits of US legislators known for their criticism of Israel.

Palestinian Demographic Manipulation

The statistics, published by the Palestinian Authority - claim that Jews are a minority west of the Jordan River. This is a classic case of “lies, damn lies and statistics.”

Israel: Cybersecurity Powerhouse

Israel has become a cybersecurity powerhouse, creating more than 300 cybersecurity startups, exporting in 2016 $6.5BN in cybersecurity products

Israel – Island of Success

Israel's economy had a robust 2017 and next year looks even brighter!

Can Israel Rely on Foreign Peacekeepers and Security Guarantees?

Stationing foreign peacekeeping troops on Israel's border would cripple Israel's defense capabilities, requiring Israel to seek approval in preempting/countering belligerence, straining US-Israel ties

Iran’s Jihad Against the West

Iran’s ayatollahs, who have been courted and appeased by the West, are committed to bringing the West—and especially “the Great American Satan”—into submission.

Global Confidence in Israel’s economy

Political posturing aside, the world has great confidence in Israel's economy.

2021 Afghanistan is NOT 1975 Vietnam

Unlike in 1975, the U.S. now faces only the choice of whether to confront the enemy on their own territory or on American soil.

The Two-State Solution

Contrary to US expectations a Palestinian state would add a rogue regime to the stormy region, intensify terrorism and war, inflame regional instability, exacerbate the Israel-Palestinian conflict, undermine the expansion of the Israel-Arab peace process, generate tailwind to rogue entities and cripple US interests. Basically, NOT a good idea

Israeli Bombing Syria ENHANCED US National Security

Evidence of the high rate-of-return on the annual US investment in Israel, which is erroneously defined as “foreign aid.” Israel is neither foreign to the US, nor is it a supplicant; it has been an unconditional junior partner of the US in the liberty-driven battle against rogue regimes.

Can Israel Afford to Defy State Dept Pressure?

Can Israel Afford NOT to Defy State Dept Pressure?

What is the ACTUAL Cost of Applying Israel Law to Judea & Samaria

A hesitant, appeasing and retreating Israel, which sacrifices its independence of national security action on the altar of overseas' green lights, whets the appetite of terrorists and rogue regimes,

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles): Guide for the Perplexed, 2017

The temporary structure of the Sukkah highlights the historical significance of the permanent Jewish State in the Land of Israel Chag Sameach!

The Oman-Israel-Palestinian connection

Irrespective of the Palestinian issue, Oman—just like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt and all other pro-U.S. Arab countries—is preoccupied with domestic and regional threats and challenges, which supersede the Palestinian issue

US Embassy in Jerusalem Enhances US Interests

President Trump is determined to avoid – rather than repeat – the mistakes of his predecessors, fending off pressure and threats by rogue regimes, and therefore advancing US interests, law and heritage and this is served by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Defensible Borders in the Middle East

The most critical feature/test of defensible borders in the Middle East is their capability to fend off realistic (worst-case) scenarios.

Is the Palestinian ‘Issue’ the Crux of the Arab-Israeli Conflict?

Arab countries have showered Palestinians with a cuddling talk accompanied by a cold/negative walk

Giving Thanks

Reaffirming 4 Centuries of the US-Israel Connection

Palestinian State: Enhancing or Eroding US National Security?

The Palestinian track record of duplicity and working against Western interests should compel the West to reevaluate its support of the Palestinians.

Israel’s Brain Power (Hightech) Features a Grand Decade

The past decade featured 587 exits, totaling $71BN. If follow-on deals are included, the total surges to $108BN.

Israel’s High-Tech

A unique technology-multiplier for the US

Diplomatic option toward Iran is Self-destructive

Iran: The largest anti-American venomous octopus in the world

Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2013

Connections between the Jewish and American traditions of liberty.

Israel’s Defiance of US Pressure

American officials might not like strong Israeli leaders, but they do respect them.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/the-ettinger-report/united-jerusalem-a-shared-us-israel-legacy-and-interest/2021/11/05/

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