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A major story is currently being reported in all Israeli newspapers. It is about a father of 13 children whose daughter was just treated by Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. This daughter was born in Israel and has lived here her entire life. While the hospital refused to report the treatment the girl received, it did confirm that she was in fact a patient for a week and that she received, “the same professional care as any other patient in Ichilov hospital”. Why is this a story in all the newspapers? In truth, it’s not a story about the girl, it’s much more about her father… but I’m not done yet…

This same man knows Ichilov Hospital very well. Less than a year ago, in November 2013, he checked his granddaughter into that same hospital. As a matter of fact, he simply loves Israeli hospitals and the terrific care his family receives! In June 2013 his mother-in-law spent time in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and was treated with that same “professional care” that they are so proud of.


So who is this man who has sent his daughter, granddaughter and mother-in-law to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment? His name is Ismail Haniyeh and he is the head of Hamas. Actually, let me phrase that differently so you understand exactly who he is. He is not a man; he is a beast. His goal, dream and desire is to see Israeli streets pouring with Jewish blood. He is the mastermind behind the kidnappings and murders of the three beautiful boys we all prayed and cried for;  He is the one who kidnapped Gilad Shalit and held him prisoner for five years; He is the one who started the war this summer that killed 67 of my brothers (and yours too!) and sent millions screaming in panic; He is the mass murderer behind the suicide bombings that have killed close to 2,000 Jews and have injured – both physically and psychologically – over 50,000 others. In other words, he is the closest thing to Adolph Hitler and is the person responsible for more Jewish pain and suffering in the world today than anybody else.

One minute – there’s actually more to this story that makes it even worse. Ismail Haniyeh – yimach sh’mo – states over and over again that Israel does not exist. He refuses to recognize Israel and is sworn to its destruction. To him, there simply is no Israel – just a few Jews temporarily dancing around Jerusalem and Haifa. There is no country and certainly no legitimacy and this is what gives him the international right – supported by many members of the UN – to work day and night towards ethnically cleansing that area of all Jews. The rockets, the missiles, the bombs, the stabbings and the kidnappings are all acceptable since Israel does not exist in the first place!

Here are 2 quotes from Haniyeh:

Dec 14, 2010 – A speech given at the 23rd anniversary of the founding of Hamas; “Palestine is from the sea to the river, from Rosh HaNikra to Rafah. The siege will not change our belief, wars don’t cause people to give up resistance and resistance leaders. We will not recognize! We will not recognize! We will not recognize Israel!”

Feb 12, 2012 – A speech given in Iran while standing next to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; “The gun is our only response to the Zionist regime. In time we have come to understand that we can obtain our goals only through fighting and armed resistance and no compromise should be made with the enemy.”

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Shmuel Sackett is the founder and director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation.