Photo Credit: Courtesy
MK Itamar Ben Gvir enters Blich High School greeted by admiring students, September 6, 2022.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir was hours late for an appearance at Blich High School in Ramat Chen (Ramat Gan), before the pre-elections that are a tradition of the school. Ben Gvir’s arrival caused quite a stir, as he was greeted with shouts of support from most of the students and protests from a smattering of leftists who cursed out the vociferous students and accused them of taking the country to a new Nuremberg.


The pro-Ben Gvir students, for their part, sang the anti-Arab anthem associated with the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club, “Burn down your village.”

The pro-Ben Gvir students crowded the barred gates despite the teachers’ efforts to pull them back.

When he finally took the podium inside, Ben Gvir told the adoring crowd: “I hear the voices outside, the same voices that, as far as they’re concerned, when Ayman Odeh comes, and he supports harming IDF soldiers, this would be freedom of expression. It is allowed,” he said. “When Yair Golan slanders the soldiers, when Horowitz says that the soldiers should be tried in The Hague, that’s fine. But me, they want to shut up.”

“I want to say congratulations to your principal,” Ben Gvir added. “She proves that she really advocates for freedom of expression.”

The principal, Hila Romesh, resisted pressure from around the political map demanding to ban the Otzma Yehudit chairman from entering her school. Romesh, who also teaches history, insisted that letting Ben Gvir speak was part of the normal activities in Blich High School.

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