Photo Credit: Flash 90
Ultra Orthodox Jewish youths studying religious texts at a Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

A lawsuit by 53 young men who studied at strictly Hareidi yeshivas are suing Israel for the school system’s not having taught them basic skills that are needed to work, according to an ABC News reported filed by The Associated Press.

An organization called “Out for a Change” is behind the lawsuit that argues that the lack of skills in math, English and computers have left the plaintiffs without the basics that other Israeli students received, enabling them to progress into the job force.


The suit charges the “political pressure” has forced the government’s hand to acquiesce to Hareidi yeshivas that shun secular subjects, which Hareidi school systems teach only on a limited basis and only through seventh grade.

The former Hareidim also are asking the government to establish a fund to help men and women who leave the Hareidi world learn secular subjects from which they were barred as youth.

AP added that Hareidi activist Shmuel Poppenheim said that the lawsuit might change some attitudes in the Hareidi community.

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