Photo Credit: Basal Awidat / Flash 90
Israeli soldiers seen being taken care of when an Israeli army patrol came under anti-tank fire from Hezbollah operatives in the northern Mount Dov region along the Israeli border with Lebanon on January 28, 2015. IDF positions in the area, as well as on nearby Mount Hermon, were hit with mortar shells for more than an hour. Israel responded to the attack with artillery strikes in southern Lebanon.

Ziv Hospital in Tzefat (Safed) reports that the medical condition of five of the IDF soldiers wounded in yesterday’s Hezbollah attack have improved.

All five are now listed as lightly injured.


Later today they will undergo additional medical examinations, and the hospital will decide if they need further treatment, or if they can be released.

The soldiers jumped from their vehicle after witnessing the first vehicle blown up by the long-range anti-tank rocket, and thus saved their lives.

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