Photo Credit: Erik Marmor / Flash 90
The destruction caused by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Kissufim on October 7, 2023, near the Israeli-Gaza border, in southern Israel.

The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF) is responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide, according to its website. The organization’s motto is “For every child” unless you are an Israeli child.


The Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center offers proof of the United Nations’ double standard for Israelis with a recording of phone calls to the organization by people saying they want to donate via the agency to assist children in Israel who are refugees from the October 7th war launched by Hamas.

Real-time calls were made to UNICEF offices in the United States, the UK and Australia.

UNICEF UK: “Thank you for calling UNICEF UK. My name is Luka. Please note all calls are recorded.”

Caller: I’m anxious to give some money. Presumably you have a fund for this terrible Middle Eastern war.”

UNICEF UK: “Oh, yes, so there is a Children of Gaza Appeal.”

Caller: I want to earmark my money specifically for the children in Israel, so can I just be clear that my money will go to the children in Israel?”

UNICEF UK: “Okay, let’s see what we’ve got then here. So we’ve got Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, obviously the Gaza, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan … not an Israel; I mean, obviously Gaza is in Israel.”

Caller: “Sorry, Gaza is in Israel?”

UNICEF UK: “Well, yeah it belongs to Israel, yeah.”

Caller: “I’m not giving to Gaza unless you’re able to very specifically tell me that my money will go to help some of the Israeli children. Are you able to give that specific confirmation?”

UNICEF UK: “Gaza does belong to Israel.”

Caller: “No it doesn’t. Are you really telling me that unless it comes under the heading of Gaza, there’s nothing?”

UNICEF UK: “No, so that’s the main appeal there.”

In Australia, the response was similar.

Caller: “I just looked up now, it’s over 130,000 displaced Israelis.”

UNICEF AUSTRALIA: “I can send you some links what are we doing in Israel and how we can help them around the world.”

Caller: “Yeah I would actually like to know after talking to you and hearing that they’re not being helped as much, I’d like all of the money, all of my thousand, to be guaranteed to go to Israeli children.”

UNICEF AUSTRALIA: Ah, the appeal which we’re working on it’s actually towards Gaza.”

The United States-based UNICEF response was the same, but far more honest and direct. American.

Caller: “I’m interesting in donating to UNICEF.”

UNICEF USA: “Sure I can help with that.”

Caller: “So I would love to help children, displaced person that are part of this conflict going on in Israel.”

UNICEF USA: “We don’t have a campaign for Israeli victims at the moment. We have an active fund for the children of Gaza at the moment …”

Caller: (interrupts) “I’m curious to know why there’s a program in place for Hamas victims but there’s not a program in place for victims of the terrorism that occurred on October 7th?”

UNICEF USA: “We have an active fund in the region of Gaza for children there and victims.”

Caller: “Because it’s interesting because I …”

UNICEF USA: (interrupts) “Thank you for calling.” Click.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.