Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Itamar Ben-Gvir and Dr. Michael Ben-Ari of the Otzma Yehudit party.

In response to the assault on the Otzma Yehudit party by AIPAC, Otzma Yehudit offered their response to the Jewish U.S.-based organization, calling on AIPAC members to come home to Israel, as that is the only way they can earn the right to participate in internal Israeli politics.

Party member Itamar Ben-Gvir pointed out the hypocrisy of AIPAC’s silence regarding various anti-Zionists in the Knesset such as Haneen Zoabi and Ahmed Tibi.


Ben-Gvir said that AIPAC should not get involved in Israeli elections. Instead, they should make aliyah and only then, once they live in Israel, can they express their opinions and participate in Israel’s elections.

Caroline Glick, running for election in Naftali Bennett’s New Right party, also had strong words for the hypocrisy of AIPAC and the AJC:

Indigenous Jewish rights activist David Ha’Ivri pointed out the irony of AIPAC opposing an Israeli political party [Otzma] who is calling on them [U.S. Jews] to come home to Israel.

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