Photo Credit: Army National Guard photo by Lt. Zachary West
Texas National Guardsman carries a resident of Houston from her flooded home, Aug. 27, 2017.

As the full extent of the damage from Hurricane Harvey is being assessed in Houston and across Central Texas, rainfall is now measured in feet rather than inches as lakes and rivers are overflowing, leaving a few dead and thousands homeless, the Orthodox Union has circulated a note from the president of a Houston synagogue, who wrote his congregation: “We will need major help. This is the worst flooding in Houston history. All homes are now under water. The Shul is under 4′-8′ of water – can’t even get close to it. And there may be another 24-48 hrs of this. We will need to have serious conversations about restarting the community. I know that sounds extreme, but this is the big one.”

The Jewish community in Houston, Texas has once again found itself in the crosshairs of a devastating storm that will likely cause even more damage in the next 24-48 hours, wrote the OU, adding:


“As the extent of the damage becomes clear, it is obvious that this community will need significant financial help in order to rebuild. Our community has answered the call before, and as Rosh Hashana approaches, we must answer the call again. Please enter your information below to donate.”

As a community, this is our opportunity to stand together and show our brothers and sisters in Houston that we stand with them in the spirit of Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh – that all of our people stand together as one.

Here are two ways you can help.

As Jews, we believe in the power of prayer, and we must also show those who are facing devastation in Houston that they have brethren from far and wide who care about them. Please use this link to commit to recite Tehillim (Psalms) for the merit of the Houston community and you can also post messages of support that will be passed directly on to members of the community.

Emergency fundraising campaign: the OU’s full emergency fundraising campaign will launch with the next 24-48 hours. But for now – please click here to donate to the OU’s disaster relief fund in support of the Jewish community in Houston.

May the merit of Klal Yisrael coming together to support a community in crisis bring us all a happy, new year.

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