Rosh Pina Kosher Meat Restaurant Charged with Death of Dairy-Allergic Patron

The Health Ministry’s report shows failures on the part of the hospital and Osher’s Leumit HMO.

Skyrocketing Cocoa Prices Cause Worldwide Chocolate Shortage

Cocoa, the key ingredient in chocolate, has more than doubled in price over the past year.

Israeli Burger Chains Go Kosher l’Mehadrin to Support War Effort

The initiative includes some branches of McDonald's, Burger Ranch and Burgerim, the Jewish state's largest chains.

Philly Antisemites Mob Jewish Falafel Joint that Gave 100% of Proceeds to United Hatzalah

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro on Sunday night condemned a mob attack on a Falafel restaurant in Center City, Pennsylvania, which is part of the...

Does Cultured Meat Count on the Nine days? It’s Spirit vs. Letter of the...

The ruling boosts the status of cultured meat as meat, regardless of whether or not it comes from a slaughtered animal.

Chief Rabbi Lau: Lab-Grown Meat Is Not Meat

Chief Rabbi David Lau on Wednesday issued a precedent ruling stating that the lab-grown meat produced by the Israeli startup Aleph Farms is parve,...

2 Sufganiyah-Related Choking Incidents on First Day of Hanukkah

A short while after the senior citizen choked on a sufganiyah in Netanya, another man choked on one in Ofakim.

Meet Religious Zionist Simcha Rothman, Ben Gvir’s Moderate Ally

“We want to restore the system through evolution, not revolution.”

Forget Falafel Wars, the Latest Battle Is over Vorschmack

According to Jake Marmer, Forshmak is probably the most authentically Jewish herring recipe.

Manischewitz Introduces ‘Gefilte Dogs’ (Oy Vey)

You might as well serve sushi under the July sun, and chrain is basically red wasabi.

Brussel’s Regional Parliament Slaughters Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Ban on Kosher Shechita

The Hollywood star called on the Brussels parliament to approve the ban and “put an end to the cruel suffering of animals.”

5-Star Hospital in Former East Germany Offers Kosher Food, Synagogue, Shabbat Elevator

The hospital has gone out of its way to attract Orthodox Jewish patients and make them feel comfortable during their stay.

Israeli Cuisine Celebrated in Azerbaijan’s Shusha Food Festival

I've noticed many improvements in Shusha since my last visit there a year ago.

Bennett: From Now On, I’m Paying for my Family’s Food Deliveries

There’s something shrill and annoying about Bennett’s little lectures on political propriety.

Police Arrest 4 Jews Planning to Sacrifice Passover Offering on Temple Mount

Hamas and the Israeli Police are against Jews sacrificing the Pascal sacrifice.

Watch: The Jerusalem Elite 2600 Years Ago Preferred Wine with Touches of Vanilla

The researchers were were surprised to find remnants of the exotic spice vanilla from 2600 years ago.

Watch: Israeli Natural Honey Making without the Bees

By isolating the properties of real honey and producing it without the bees, there are more bees left to pollinate plants to their little hearts’ content.

Watch: Wild Boar Attacks Little Girl in Haifa, Eats her Shalach Manos

As of 2013, the average number of complaints regarding wild boars in Haifa has been about 1,500 per year or about four complaints per day.

Brazilian Judge Slams American Airlines Twice for Failing to Provide Kosher Food

Is it possible someone at American Airlines teed off Judge José Marcos Marrone of the São Paulo Court of Justice?

Kahana’s Kashrut Reform Launched on Sunday, Opposition Group Launched ‘Kashrut Snitch’

The two chief rabbis accused Kahana of looking to please non-Orthodox sectors in Israel and abroad.

2 Kosher Hotels Come to Florida’s Gambling Venue

The Wyndham Dolce Kosher House Hotel will also have a Shabbos elevator that automatically stops on every floor.

Leading Market Researcher Sees 4% Growth in Global Kosher Food Industry

The increasing prevalence of lactose intolerance is one of the key factors driving the growth of the kosher food industry.

10% of Tel Aviv’s Kosher Restaurants Now Under Tzohar Supervision

This marks a significant step for the Tzohar Kashrut service which was launched in February 2018.

Religion Minister, Tsfat Chief Rabbi, at War over Kashrut of ‘Infested’ Broccoli, Cauliflower

The produce in question received kashrut certification from the local rabbinate's representatives at the beginning of last year.

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Vindicates Shmita Land Sale Permits, Contradicting Religious Zionist Rabbis

Both methods were devised as legal fictions to go around the literal wording of the mitzvah of shmita.

Matan Kahana’s Kashrut Reform Bill Revealed, Here Are Some Key Items

Here are a few choice items I translated hurriedly. Clearly, a deeper discussion should follow.

Jewish Kreplach Saved this Polish Restaurant from Ruin during the Corona Pandemic

"Before the war, Jews constituted a significant part of the population of Bobowa," Szczepanek explained.

It’s a Trend: Israeli Restaurants Switching from Rabbinate to Tzohar Kosher Supervision

Tzohar offers a full list of 160 food businesses that rely on its kashrut certification as of April 7, 2021 (see in the report).

Jerusalem Kashrut Supervisors Force ‘Crave’ Restaurant to Rename Lamb Bacon Dish

Ah, if only Yoni Van Leeuwen could SMS Yalta, she'd teach that kashrut inspector a thing or two.

Bnei Brak Offering Free Cholent to Lure Unvaccinated Yeshiva Students – Free Coke, Too

Reports of a yeshiva student who received five doses of cholent by mistake.


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