In honor of the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, gay news site Queerty is encouraging LGBT Jews to buy a new book featuring a Jewish boy with two fathers, the first of its kind to bring Judaism, children, and homosexuality together.

“The Purim Superhero” is about a little Jewish boy who wants to dress differently than his friends for the annual holiday on which Jewish children don costumes, ultimately getting assistance in making his decision from his two dads.


The book is not currently available at book sales giant, but is on sale through Keshet, an organization “working for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Jews in Jewish life”, as well as through Kar-Ben publishers.

Gil Ronen of the Family Lobby in Israel told the Jewish Press that “our culture is being systematically deluged with visions for ‘alternative families’ and there are dozens of foreign funds that encourage every form of sexuality other than the conventional one.  Parents need to be on the lookout for this type of content which can spring up in the most unexpected places.”

“Society has an interest in raising children to strive for healthy family life, and Jewish morality is not just something that superstitious old-fashioned people believe in,” Ronen said.  “Rather it is a reflection of the  natural and healthy way society is meant to be.”

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