UNDOF Troops Pull Out of Syria, Head for Israel

United Nations peacekeepers are pulling out of Syria and heading for the Israeli side of the border due to deteriorating security.

2 Rockets Fired at Israel from Lebanon following IDF Attack on Iranian Assets in...

The Observatory noted that "these strikes are the first after the departure of 'Netanyahu' the former prime minister of Israel."

5 Senior Hezbollah Field Commanders Killed in Qalamoun Battle

Hassan Nasrallah said that the survival of Bashar Assad's regime is critical for Hezbollah's own continued existence.

Gulf Arab States Impose Sanctions on Hezbollah over Syria

Gulf Arab states on Monday threatened sanctions against the Lebanese Shi'ite terrorist group Hezbollah in retaliation for its intervention in support of Syrian President...

Netanyahu Warns Putin Israel Won’t Tolerate Iranian Bases in Syria, Weapons in Lebanon

“I made it clear to [President Putin] that we will not agree to either one of these developments and will act according to need."

US VP Mike Pence to Arrive in Israel for Hanukkah

Pence will assess the chances for a comprehensive peace deal in the region with Israel and the PA.

4 Russian Cruise Missiles Accidentally Hit Iran (No Kidding)

Four long-range Russian cruise missiles reportedly crashed in Iran Wednesday as they flew overhead towards Syria.

IAF Air Strike Kills Senior Hezbollah Commander Who Directed Attack on IDF Northern Command...

The senior Hezbollah commander led dozens of terror activities against Israel using explosive UAVs and surveillance UAVs against Israel and IDF soldiers.

Escalation Continues Along Israel’s Northern Border

IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military infrastructure in the area of Khiam where a Hezbollah operative was spotted.

Hezbollah-Affiliated Al Akhbar Reports Fall of ‘Largest Spy Network for Israel’

According to the report, there was a crack within the Lebanese internal security apparatus.

EU Parliament Urges Hezbollah be Designated a Terror Group

Two major legislative bodies have called for Europe to fully repudiate the Iran-backed entity.

Israeli Defense Minister Warns Lebanon Will Pay the Price for Hezbollah Aggression

During a visit to the north of the country to observe a large-scale IDF drill, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz also signaled optimism about eventual peace between Israel and Lebanon.

Hezbollah Rocket Fire Aimed at Northern Israel, IDF Shells Southern Lebanon

Four of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system, indicating they were heading for heavily populated areas.

ISIS, Hezbollah Apps and Videos to Indoctrinate Children

ISIS and Hezbollah have both released apps to teach young children to be terrorists.

Hezbollah Says Its Operatives Downed an IDF Drone

The terrorist organization possesses a fleet of Iranian-made military drones it received from smuggling efforts in recent years, according to multiple assessments.

Report: Israeli Air Strike on Syrian Regime Forces

Reports that Israel bombarded a Syrian regime stronghold south of Damascus on Wed., Feb. 17.

‘Israel Should Develop Capability to Deal With Nuclear Threat Alone’ Says Yadlin

"Israel can deal with Syria independently and doesn't need any help," but at "farther ranges and to a bigger and stronger country," coordination with the US is important.

Update: US Enacts Carry-on Ban at 10 International Airports, Citing Terror Alerts

Many travelers take these items with them as carry-ons due to fears they may be stolen at some point in the baggage handling process.

Israeli Ambassador Warns UN Security Council Iran Commands 82,000 Fighters in Syria

“We are releasing this classified information because it is vital for the world to understand that if we turn a blind eye in Syria, the Iranian threat will only grow.”

‘Hezbollah Made a Big Mistake With Us in 2006, Also Doing So Now’

"We will do everything to restore security to the north and allow your families –because many of you are from here – to return home in safety and to know that we are not to be trifled with. We will do whatever is necessary."

Danon Tells UN Security Council ‘Trail of Bloody Footprints Traces Back to Iran’

“Passing and enforcing resolutions can save innocent lives. It is the Council’s responsibility to implement them."

Iran’s Supreme Leader Issues Direct Threat to America

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issues a direct threat to America in a video posted to Twitter and YouTube.

IAF Bombs Iranian Militia Targets in Syria, State Media Reports

“We have struck over 500 targets this year, on all fronts, in addition to multiple clandestine missions.”

Israeli Arab & Druze Hezbollah Agents Arrested

"This affair illustrates the efforts of Iranian and other terrorist elements to exploit the Arab and Druze citizens of Israel."

Hezbollah Backers Kill Beirut Protester Outside Iranian Embassy

Club-wielding men wearing the yellow band identified with the Hezbollah terrorist organization killed protesters in an attack on anti-Hezbollah demonstration outside the Iranian embassy...

Israeli Politicians Call for Return of Obama’s Nobel Prize After Expose on Helping Hezbollah

Dep. Minister Michael Oren says it was “clear from the start” the Obama administration was “willing to do anything” to reach an agreement with Iran, even when it meant ignoring Iranian terror.

Nasrallah: Everything Hezbollah Eats and Drinks, Its Weapons and Rockets, Come from Iran

The US is now "playing a critical role in assisting and facilitating the ways through which Hezbollah receives this significant aid from the Iranian government."

IDF Estimates a Dozen Hezbollah Tunnels Cross Into Israel

While the operation has gotten off to a smooth start, the officer warned that the situation remains fragile.

US Warns Hezbollah Amassing Weapons on Israel’s Northern Border

“The . . . containers placed by Green Without Borders obstructs UNIFIL’s access to the Blue Line and is heightening tension in the area. . . this so-called environmental group is acting on Hezbollah’s behalf."

Report: Obama Muzzled Anti-Hezbollah Operations to Secure Iran Deal

Having established their clandestine policy of protecting Hezbollah from American and international law enforcement agencies, the Obama administration proceeded to delay efforts to prosecute Hezbollah's international criminals.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/undof-troops-pull-out-of-syria-head-for-israel/2014/09/15/

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