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Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon, an Iranian proxy group.

Hezbollah terrorist chief Hassan Nasrallah called on Israel Thursday to “dismantle the Dimona nuclear reactor,” warning the facility constitutes an existential threat to Israel as a military target.

“Israel is continuing to launch threats against Lebanon and speak of the third Lebanon war and of what it will do during this third war,” he said. “I will address this point, seeing as the Israeli stance is developing regarding Lebanon, especially regarding Hezbollah.


“This intimidation is not new and it seems that there is a permanent Israeli objective to pressure the resistance community in Lebanon, and after [Donald] Trump was elected U.S. president, this intimidation has returned,” Nasrallah in a televised speech reported by Naharnet.

“We’ve been hearing these threats since the end of the July 2006 war. Every other day we hear statements about the third Lebanon war and about the coming vengeance.”

The address was broadcast to mark the anniversary of Hezbollah’s Number Two commander, Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated in Damascus several years ago.

Nasrallah claimed U.S. President Donald Trump was responsible for giving Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “the green light to wage a war on Lebanon…

“The issue is not about the U.S. permission or the Arab cover but rather whether or not they will be able to achieve a victory. This is the main question,” Nasrallah added, but went on to tell his audience, “President’s Michel Aoun’s unwavering stance will deter Israel from waging any war.”

Nasrallah said a Haifa court order forcing the Haifa Chemicals Ltd. firm to empty a huge ammonia tank in Haifa Bay, was evidence of the terror group’s strength.

He also told his supporters that in the next war with Israel, Hezbollah will aim its missiles this time directly at the Dimona nuclear reactor — a target during Israel’s 2014 Operation Protective Edge counter terror war with Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization, also generously backed by Iran.

Nasrallah also offered a little military advice to the IDF: “Aerial war alone cannot decide the fate of the battle and cannot achieve victory. Had it not been for the Syrian army’s fighting on the ground in Syria, it would not have been able to achieve decisive victory.

“I tell the enemy’s leaders that they would be mistaken if they think that they have enough information about the resistance, seeing as we always have hidden surprises, which is part of our strategy and military creed.”

Nasrallah also warned his own people: “If Hezbollah becomes weak, Israel will see this as an opportunity for war,” he continued. “The support for Hezbollah in Lebanon protects the Lebanese from war.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.