Is Hamas Setting Up HQ in Turkey After Qatari Expulsion?

Hamas denies reports the group's political bureau chief, Khaled Mashaal, was expelled by long-time patron, Qatar.

Peres Warns Qatar to Stop Funding Terror in Gaza, Praises UN’s Ban

Outgoing President Shimon Peres thanks UN leader Ban Ki-moon but warns it is time to stop ignoring Hamas terrorism and help Israel.

Arab League Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Group

Hezbollah is becoming increasingly isolated in the Arab world because of its loyalty to Iran.

Khaled Mashaal Rejects Ceasefire and Says Israel Must Disarm for Peace

Abbas adopts Hamas as peace partner, big brave Kerry scurries out of Israel despite FAA ban and Mashaal goes off his rocker.

Biden Approves $1 billion Arms Sale to Qatar Same Time US Beats Iran in...

Much like all of Iran’s other neighbors, Qatar is uneasy.

Israeli Public Broadcaster Opts Out of Soccer Deal that Excludes the Settlements

Benjamin Netanyahu has been reluctant to establish Israeli sovereignty in the liberated territories, so complaints regarding the broadcasts should be addressed to him.

Qatar Restarts Cash Payments to Gazans, Using UN Credit Cards

Israel must approve individuals receiving aid to ensure that money goes to the poor and not to Hamas.

No More Cash Suitcases: Israel, Egypt, Want Hamas to Approve Qatari Money Transfers Via...

The Lapid-Bennett government must be challenged to show that it's not just code for cash to pay Hamas employees.

Qatari Envoy Arrives in Gaza via Erez Crossing

For years, Qatar has been providing local Gaza families with stipends of $100 per month.

Israel Transfers Water Pumps to Gaza to Alleviate Flooding

On Sunday night, Israel water company, Mekorot—with which the national Dutch water company just cut off relations for its "violations of international law"—sent special...

New Arab-Netanyahu Alliance against US Deal with Iran

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and the UAE, led by Sunni Muslims, share Netanyahu's fear of Obama making a bad deal with the Shi'ite regime.

Hamas Denies Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal Leaving Qatar

Hamas denies its politburo chief Khaled Meshaal will leave Qatar; the monarchy evicted Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Human Rights Watch Report Slams Qatar’s World Cup for Abusing Workers, Women, LGBT

Qatar has been unable to shake the relentless complaints about its miserable treatment of the foreign workers who were hired to build the stadiums.

Israel Approves Qatari Involvement in Drilling Lebanon’s Natural Gas

Qatar will replace a Russian company that was initially going to comprise one-third of the participating companies.

Qatar Rules Out Normalizing Relations with Israel

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said he does not envision the country joining the Abraham Accords “in the absence of a real commitment to a two-state solution” between Israel and the Palestinians.

Al Jazeera English Caught With Its Anti-Semitism A-Twitter

Someone at the news agency apparently had second thoughts and quickly deleted the tweet, but not quick enough.

Brother of Palestinian Authority’s Mahmoud Abbas Hospitalized in Tel Aviv

Abu Mazen's brother in Qatar is seriously ill, so he chose to be treated in Israel at upscale Assuta Medical Center.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran Back Hamas in War Against Israel

Qatar: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds Israel alone responsible for the current escalation due to the ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people."

Ceasefire Talks Again

We're waiting to hear back if there will be a cease fire this afternoon. The terms grant Hamas political legitimacy.

Tehran, Doha Repress Iranian Dissidents at World Cup

The level of information-sharing between Doha and Tehran should raise eyebrows in Washington.

PA Security Source: Ofra Terror Attack Direct Result of Qatari Payments to Hamas

Much of the money has been transferred to Hamas agents in the PA, who are directed from the Gaza Strip.

‘We Can’t Trust Qatar,’ Analyst Warns as Israel Evaluates Claims That Hostages Received Medicine

Medicines were found unopened in a Gaza hospital. The hostages never received them.

Hamas Leader in Gaza Demands Immediate Transfer of Qatari Cash

A delay in receiving money would lead to a security escalation, said Yahya Sinwar during a meeting with the U.N.’s envoy to the Middle East.

Mossad Chief Travels to Qatar as Hostage-Release Talks Resume

"There are still gaps between the sides," the Prime Minister's Office said.

Hamas: Hostage Deal? What Hostage Deal?

Now everything appears to be hanging in the air again.

Israel Seizes Associated Press Equipment for Violation of Al Jazeera Ban

"The confiscated camera broadcasts live on the Al Jazeera channel, contrary to the law, from the northern Gaza Strip, including the activities of the IDF forces, and endangers our fighters."

Qatari Fuel Arrives at Gaza Border Crossing

The Palestinian Authority may not let the fuel trucks into Gaza.

Man of the Year 2020: Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed

MBZ is committed to a counter-jihad while amassing a staggering wealth and constructing a formidable military and police force.

Report: Qatar, Turkey Push for Fatah-Hamas Coalition

Doha, with Ankara's support, has proposed to P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas that he form a joint list in the Palestinian Legislative Council with the Gaza-based terror group, and then a national-unity coalition.

Saudi Billionaire Says What Kingdom Won’t Say: No Faith in Obama

Saudi Arabia is loudly silent on the deal with Iran, but its royal billionaire prince who owns part of Twitter and Apple says “we” are concerned. And guess who is “We”? Saudi Arabia and Israel.


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