Photo Credit: Robert Sullivan via Flickr
Sukhoi Su-24 in the sky over Syria, December 10, 2018.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is monitoring the escalation of the Turkish army’s shelling of the Assad regime’s sites, facilities and convoys in Hama, Aleppo, and Idlib, as Turkish drones and artillery are taking turns launching intense strikes at the Nairab military airport near the city of Aleppo, as well as Aleppo’s countryside, the areas south and east of Idlib, and the Al-Ghab plain northwest of Hama.

In addition, the Syrian Observatory reported that Turkish F-16 warplanes on Saturday and Sunday shot down two Sukhoi 24 warplanes of the Syrian regime warplanes over Idlib, in air-to-air combat.


The Turkish planes were flying along the Syrian border with the Iskenderun brigade, and the two Syrian planes entered the areas of Ma’rat al-Numan and Jabal al-Zawiya.

There is no information yet about the fate of the crew of the two planes, whether they managed to survive or were killed. On January 14, the Syrian Observatory reported the killing of the crew of a Syrian regime helicopter which had been shot down by Turkish missiles over the mountains northwest of the city of Aleppo.

Another Syrian helicopter was shot down by Turkish forces outside Idlib on February 11 and went up in flames. Both pilots were killed, one with the rank of colonel, the other a captain.

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