Photo Credit: Edi Israel / Flash 90
A volley of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip is intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system

During the early hours of Thursday morning, Jan. 16, five rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel. The rockets set off the Tzeva Adom Code Red Alert sirens along the western edge of Israel’s borders.

The Iron Dome defense system intercepted the five rockets, while one additional rocket landed in an empty field.  The rockets were aimed at or near the Israeli city of Ashkelon.


No injuries were reported.

This most recent round of rockets started on Monday when the Gazans decided to send a farewell barrage to former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who was laid to rest at his Sycamore Ranch in the Negev on that day.

The IAF retaliated for the rocket launches by striking four terror infrastructure sites in northern Gaza.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]