Australian Conservative Lawmaker Told to Remove ‘Israeli Scarf’ During Senate Nakba Vote

Conclusion: If you’re Jewish and living in Australia, don’t vote Labor or Greens.

New Zealand Jews Suffering Unprecedented Antisemitic Attacks Since October 7

40% of the reported incidents involved dehumanizing and demonizing allegations directed at Jews.

Yes, But Is It Antisemitic? Humorous Mural Offends Australian Jews

What wasn’t antisemitic before October 7 may be antisemitic today.

Australian State Banning ‘Disgraceful and Cowardly’ Nazi Salute

I wonder if the fact that her politics attract neo-Nazis means her message is wrong.

Striking Australian Higher Education Union Calls for Ban on Visits to Israel, Rejects IHRA...

The motion was proposed by Fahad Ali, a boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) advocate.

Human Rights Watch Attacks Aussie FM for Saying There’s No ‘State of Palestine’ So...

Payne's argument—matching similar arguments made by the US and Israel—is that since the Palestinian Authority never received statehood, it cannot be a party to the ICC.

Suspected Sex Offender Malka Leifer Extradited after Hiding from Prosecution for 13 Years

Supreme Court Justice Anat Baron recommended dismissing Leifer's appeal and "uphold the judgment of the District Court which declared the appellant extraditable to Australia."

’18 for 18′ Initiative a Smashing Success Across Australia, New Zealand this lag B’Omer

According to data analytics, more than 40,000 Jewish people of all ages gathered online for this inspiring event.

President Rivlin Rings the Bell at Sydney’s Securities Exchange

The president expressed his hope that the double taxation avoidance treaty signed recently between the two countries will allow further broadening of business cooperation.

Rivlin Visits Brushfire Victims in Australian Wildlife Hospital

Tens of thousands of Australians tried to rescue wild animals from the fires.

Jewish Boy Forced to Kiss Feet of Muslim Classmate in Melbourne Park

The Education Department denied responsibility for the shocking incident, because it did not take place on school grounds.

Bar Ilan Researchers Discover Major Changes in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Coral reefs are highly sensitive to environmental change. Multiple stressors, in isolation or in combination, may lead to dramatic deterioration that can result in loss of reefs and their ecological services for many years.

Rockland Declares Measles Outbreak Over Even as Disease Migrates to Pacific Islands

According to the Rockland Health Commissioner, "almost 1,200 residents were actively monitored to help contain the outbreak."

Nauru Island Becomes Tiniest Nation to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Nauru has only a handful of embassies in the world, but the Foreign Ministry considers that the tiny island country would open an embassy in Israel in the future, guess where.

While 50% of Australia’s Wealthiest Are Jewish, 20% of Australia’s Jews Live in Poverty

Older Jews who sell their homes and move to more affordable quarters also give up their social connections in the process.

Australia’s Labour Party Dumps Candidate over ‘Shape-Shifting Jewish Lizards’ Post Ahead of May Elections

Two weeks ago, Labour candidate Melissa Parke was forced to step down after claiming that a pregnant Arab woman had been forced to drink a bottle of bleach by Israeli soldiers.

Bahrain’s Support of Australia’s Jerusalem Move a Step Towards Normalization

To the vast majority of Muslims, the very existence of a Jewish state is a violation of everything that's sacred. Which makes Bahrain's stand extremely unusual and extremely brave.

Israeli Soldiers Celebrate as New Synagogue Dedicated at IDF Telem Base

"There is no greater honor than dedicating a synagogue on a military base in Israel."

The Third Reich Is Alive and Well and Fighting Every Sunday in New Zealand

When the wife confronted the Nazi-clad men about the idea of wearing Nazi uniform in public, one of those Nazi-imitating chaps told her: "It's history – if you don't like it [expletive] off."

Australian Senator Calls for ‘Final Solution’ to Muslim Immigration

“The majority of Muslims in Australia of working age do not work and exist on welfare."

Australia Stops Payments to Palestinian Authority Over Pay for Slay

The PA has made it clear they will not stop payments to the jailed terrorists.

Netanyahu Honors WWI Soldiers from Australia, New Zealand, Who Liberated Holy Land

"This momentous occasion was a historic milestone in the natural kinship between our peoples."

Labor Knesset Leader Condemned for her Anti-Family Stance on Australian TV

"This is a tool that was made to dominate women for the sake of reproduction."


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