Zelenskyy’s Adviser Podolyak: Putin Lost Control over Secret Service, Coup Brewing in Russia

Podolyak warned that a “criminal revolution” may take place in Russia, as control may ultimately be passed to the underworld.

Human Rights Watch: Putin, Assad, Committed War Crimes Against Civilians in Syria

Most of the 46 attacks documented by Human Rights Watch appeared to involve the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in populated areas.

Trump Warns Russia: US Missiles Are Coming

"Our relationship with Russia is worse now than it has ever been, and that includes the Cold War."

Chai Crisis Services’ Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox: Talking to your Children About War

We hope and pray for a speedy solution to the travails in Ukraine, for the world in general, and our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Gamebreaker? Russia’s Hypersonic Cruise Missile Submarine to Enter Service in 2026

The Yasen class submarines could alter the outcome of the war decisively by firing at the heart of Ukraine from the Black Sea.

Turkey Started Bombing Syrian Kurds, Turkish Troops Deployed Across Border

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Monday denounced Trump's decision to pull US troops out of northeastern Syria, calling it a "stain on America's honor."

Ukraine Drones Hit Moscow in Retaliation for Massive Attacks on Kiev

Russia once again launched a massive wave of suicide drones on Kiev early Tuesday morning, killing at least one civilian.

‘Small Wars Journal’ Tacitly Recommends Assassinations to Salvage Mid East Fiasco

In the end, the authors say, the US must make up it mind whether it wants to stay in the Middle East and block hostile players such as Iran from tipping the balance against Western interests.

North Korea Threatens US with ‘Unimaginable Strike at Unimaginable Time’

The nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier is patrolling the waters around the Korean Peninsula.

Anti-Putin Rebels Switch to Ukrainian Side, Join ‘Freedom of Russia Legion’

The first volunteers of the Freedom of Russia Legion began individual preliminary training in late March 2022.

Relatives of Lithuanians Killed in 1991 Soviet Crackdown Sue Gorbachev over War Crimes

So far, the Putin administration has refused Lithuania's request to question Gorbachev regarding his role in the events of January 13, 1991.

Russian Troops Receive Armored Vehicles to Help Patrol Turkish-Syrian Border

A unit of the Russian military police has arrived in the Syrian town of Kobani to patrol the territory in cooperation with Turkey.

Abbas: Trump Called Me Man of Peace

President Trump looked at him and said: "How can they say that you are a terrorist? You are a man of peace."

Zelensky: ‘I Don’t Need A Ride, I Need More Ammunition’

Zelensky is “the kind of leader I’d want to go into combat with.”

Russian Deputy FM: Korean Apocalypse Could Happen

"I hope that a common sense, pragmatism and an instinct for self-preservation would prevail among our partners to exclude such a negative scenario."

Senior Iranian Mullah: UK Should Be Scared of Us

The Russians warned that the incident may have serious consequences and that "responsibility for that will rest entirely on those who never stop their attempts to exert maximum illegitimate pressure on Teheran and Damascus."

White House, UN Boost Iran’s Yemen Meddling, Clip Saudi, UAE Resistance

Aid agencies in Yemen welcomed President Biden’s plan to revoke the Houthis' designation as a terrorist group.

Russia, Iran, Turkey, Meet in Black Sea Resort to Decide Syria’s Fate

Resolution 2254 was invoked by Iran, Russia, and Turkey as the legal basis for their takeover of the political process in Syria, backed by their enhanced military operations against rebel groups.

US Emptying Out Munition Stockpiles in Israel to Help Ukraine

"These are Israel's reserve stockpiles for times of war," a former cabinet minister says. "The move has had a bigger meaning in light of the threats on Israel in multiple theaters."

Head of US Central Command Says Pullout from Syria ‘In Weeks,’ Warns of ISIS’...

The top US commander of the war against ISIS supported the US intelligence assessment that "tens of thousands" of ISIS fighters are still alive and kicking in Syria and Iraq.

Iran Celebrates 40th Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover; ‘Broke Washington’s Fictitious Grandeur’

"The takeover of the US embassy 40 years ago, on November 4, 1979, destroyed Washington’s fictitious grandeur."

GOP Proposing US Buyout of Turkey’s S-400 Russian Air Defense System

The offer to buyout the Russian systems would give Erdoğan a path back to becoming an active member of NATO once again.

Pompeo Building Global Coalition Against Iran As Sanctions, Cyber Attacks Succeeding

Reportedly, the RQ-4 Global Hawk made by Northrop Grumman Corp cost more than the new F-35 stealth fighters.

Report: US Cyber-Attacked Iranian Revolutionary Guard Spy Force

Meanwhile, according to Fars News, a former employee of the Iranian Defense Ministry's Aerospace Industries Organization was executed for carrying out espionage operations for the White House and the CIA.

Pro-Russia Forces in Ukraine Free Captured Israeli

A news report showed him speaking to his wife, then standing in a synagogue praying with tallit and tefillin.

Ukraine Claims 7,516 Civilian Deaths Since Feb. 24, 2022 Russian Invasion

On the Russian side, 12,538 soldiers were killed (confirmed by names) as of January 27, 2023.

Everybody Is Happy after Putin-Erdogan-Raisi Meeting in Tehran

Everybody is happy for very different reasons, but, you know, happiness is such a rare commodity these days.

Israel to Support UN Resolution Condemning Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Israel has established an inter-ministry team that will examine the effects and consequences of the sanctions on Russia on the Israeli economy and policy.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/global/europe/ukraine/zelenskyys-adviser-podolyak-putin-lost-control-over-secret-service-coup-brewing-in-russia/2022/10/09/

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