Photo Credit: Amir Levy/FLASH90
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon (L), September 19, 2017

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon on Wednesday complained to the United Nations Security Council about Iran’s ongoing activities in Syria which are intended to launch terrorist attacks against the State of Israel.

The complaint followed Iran’s Quds Force attempt last Saturday night to launch a terrorist attack using armed drones from southwestern Syria against Israel, which was thwarted by the IDF.


“The Iranian fortification and terrorist efforts on Syrian soil are intended to escalate the security situation in the region under the guidance of Qasem Soleimani and Quds Force,” the complaint states, accusing Iran of violating Security Council resolutions 2231 (sets out an inspection process of Iran’s nuclear program, defied soon after, in 2016); 2216 (condemning the undermining the stability of Yemen); 1701 (intended to resolve the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict); 1559 (supporting free and fair presidential elections in Lebanon and calling upon the remaining foreign forces to withdraw from the country); and 1540 (regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction).

According to Danon, “The Syrian regime knowingly allows Iran and its affiliates to use its territory for terrorist activity against the State of Israel, and the Security Council is compelled to recognizing Syria’s responsibility for these terrorist attacks.”

In the complaint, Israel demands that the Council work for a full withdrawal of Iranian military forces from Syria, seeing as “Iran continues to threaten world security in general and the Middle East in particular, under systematic violation of Council decisions.”

“The international community must make clear to Iran that it will no longer tolerate its regional subversion and terrorist financing operations,” Danon’s letter concluded.

Danon told Reshet Bet radio Wednesday morning, “We have backing from the international community for the steps we are taking. The PM’s policy is clear on the matter. We will not sit quietly while Iran is trying to turn Syria into another Lebanon. We expect the Security Council to condemn Syria.”

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