Photo Credit: Guy Levian / Nature and Parks Authority
shark-infested water (see picture and video) may be dangerous to amateur and even professional divers.

Upon the return of sharks to the Hadera power station area, the Nature and Parks Authority is warning the public once again about diving in close proximity to the bands of sharks that are concentrated, as they are every year this season (November to April) near ​​the station’s wonderfully warm and invigorating water.

Please do not ignore this warning: shark-infested water (see picture and video) may be dangerous to amateur and even professional divers. The Nature and Parks Authority stresses that an encounter with sharks is unpredictable or controllable.


The hot water area of ​​the power plant where the sharks are concentrated includes strong currents and powerful eddies that can be life-threatening. The area is also “infested” with heavy fishing gear such as hooks and loose fishing lines that also endanger divers.

The Nature and Parks Authority reminds everyone that the shark is an endangered species, protected by Israeli law as a natural value. It must not be harmed, harassed, fed, etc., and anyone who violates the law risks criminal prosecution.

The area is also forbidden for bathing.

An information station will be set up to disseminate shark information to the public. The station will be open on Saturdays depending on the weather.

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