Egypt Building Ballistic Missile Launch Sites

Egypt has been obsessed with ballistic missiles since the 1960s.

Given Its $10,000 Take from Every Crossing Gazan, It’s Unsurprising Egypt Won’t Open Rafah’s...

It's not too late for Israel to start offering the same service as the Egyptians, only for free and via ships that offer reasonable rates.

Egyptian FM Reaffirms Commitment to ‘Reciprocal’ Peace Treaty with Israel

Having peace treaty with Egypt is better than not having a peace treaty with Egypt.

Egypt Fears Gazan Immigration Wave But Knows Israel Must Control Philadelphi Corridor to Stop...

"If even one Palestinian refugee crosses over – the peace agreement will be nullified."

Rabbi Edelstein under Arab Fake News Attack Distorting his Call for Learning, Love, and...

Most of the attacks in Arabic called Rabbi Edelstein “extremist,” and located his residence in a “settlement.”

John Kerry Shakes Hands with Nicolás Maduro – Will He Collect the $15 Mil....

The State Department said the handshake was "unplanned,” and “immaterial," despite its denouncement of Maduro only days earlier.

Report from Cairo: Egyptian Doctors Warn Against ‘Hitler Shot’

“The Hitler shot has been around for a while and we in the medical community have been aware of it for some time."

CT Scan Shows Pharaoh Was Circumcised

The scientists discovered, among other things, that all of the Pharaoh's teeth were accounted for.

Hamas, Fatah, Pledge on their Honor to Guarantee Success of Upcoming Elections

The legislative elections are planned for May 22, presidential for July 31, and Palestinian National Council elections for August 31.

Man of the Year 2020: Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed

MBZ is committed to a counter-jihad while amassing a staggering wealth and constructing a formidable military and police force.

Hey, It’s the 41st Anniversary of the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty.. Crickets…?

President Rivlin asked to send his warmest wishes to the Coptic community in Egypt ahead of the Easter holiday, which will be celebrated in a more limited way this year because of the virus.

Israeli Natural Gas Starts Flowing to Egypt

Netanyahu said it was a big day for Israel, which was turning into an energy superpower.

Geula Cohen Was Right

Geula Cohen, brave woman, you were right and so many of us were dead wrong. Which is why so many of us are dead, before our time.

Turkey, Russia, Laying Claim to Mediterranean Off-Shore Gas

Since 2009, offshore oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean have been the subject of territorial disputes between Turkey on one side and Greece, Cyprus and Israel on the other.

Report: Israel Testing Gas Flow to Egypt Ahead of Renewed Commercial Supply

The estimated revenue from both contracts, as reported last year by the partners in both reservoirs, is about $15 billion, with about half the money going into Israel's state coffers in royalties and taxes.

This Week: 40th Anniversary of the Curse of Camp David

If there's one thing Israel must learn from the idea of Land for Peace it is to cease being a satellite of the US, give up US military aid, and seek alliances with more superpowers.

Locust Plague of Biblical Proportion to Hit Egypt in Time for Passover

Control operations have treated nearly 85,000 hectare since December, of which 30,000 hectare were treated in the past three weeks in Egypt, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.

Egypt Alters Constitution to Let Al Sisi Stay in Power through 2034

The presidential term in office was extended to six years from four, with a transitional clause that resets the clock, should al-Sisi, who is 63, wish to stay in power until he turns 78, in 2034.

Ten Dolphins Visited Eilat Then Crossed Over to Egypt Without Incident

The false killer whale has been known to approach and offer fish it has caught to humans diving or boating.

2 Gazans Dead After Violating Ceasefire, Ignoring Egyptian Request to Stay Away from Israeli...

Egyptian mediators allegedly asked Gazans to maintain a distance from the border with Israel for at least three weeks.

Abbas, al-Sisi Meet to Discuss Alleged Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Deal

The Gaza fishing zone would be expanded to 14 nautical miles. The Kerem Shalom and Erez crossings would open permanently.

Absolutely No One Recalls Sinai War’s 62nd Anniversary (It’s Today)

Israel was looking to end the constant infiltrations from the Gaza Strip of Fedayeen terrorists, who robbed and murdered Israeli settlers—many of whom were recent newcomers to the Jewish State.

IDF Chief Spoke in DC with his Counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan

The Israeli and Saudi military leaders discussed the Iranian issue, about which their views are similar.

Eni: Talk of New Egyptian Gas Bonanza was Fake News

The rumor caused a 5% - 6% plunge in shares of the Israeli gas partnerships.

Report: Egypt Drafting Comprehensive Deal for Israel, Hamas

Al-Akhbar cites sources in Hamas that reject the free harbor idea if it includes continued Israeli inspections.

Report: Egypt Readied Rafah Border Crossing for Permanent Operation

Surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the crossing terminal.

Egypt Warily Observing Muslim Brotherhood Exploits in Jordan

“True, the Brotherhood is politically over in Egypt but there is belief that the group is still present and waiting for a suitable moment to come back to the political stage.”


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