Where Is Hezbollah?

The flagship of Iranian regional and global terrorism is plagued by confusion and uncertainty.

Report: Iran Forming ‘Qassem Soleimani Forces’ to Coordinate Regional Proxies

The force is being seen as "a central military arm of the so-called Axis of Resistance led by Iran."

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Russia Urging West to Join UNSC Condemnation of Israel’s Killing Top Iranian Terrorists

"This is another opportunity to test the real intentions of our Western colleagues."

IDF Document Warns the Next Major Attack Will Come from Jordan and Syria

Hakol Hayehudi on Sunday revealed a new document issued by the Home Front Command detailing the dangers facing the State of Israel on the...

UN Worried: More Israelis than ‘Syrians’ on the Golan

The December 14, 1981, Golan Heights Act abolished the military government and applied Israeli law to the Golan, effectively annexing it.

US Ambassador Throws Israel Under the Russian Bus

Tom Nides was trying his best to get Israel deeper in trouble with its neighbor to the north, Vladimir Putin.

Bennett: My Government Will Double the Golan Heights Communities

"It is impossible to discuss the Golan Heights without touching on what is happening over the border."

Bar Ilan U Researchers Found Delayed Surgical Intervention Improved Outcome of Syrian Civil War...

Treating the wounded civilians also provided insight into injuries caused by sniper fire and high-velocity projectile injuries unique to a battlefield.

Syria Demands 2 Prisoners in Exchange for Woman Who Crossed the Border, But the...

Both prisoners, who were convicted on security charges by Israeli courts, have no interest in going back to Syria.

First Images from Ofek 16 Satellite Camera, Taken Over Syria

The images show with great clarity the Tadmor World Heritage Site in Syria, the antiquities of the ancient city and the famous Roman theater.

Syrian Observatory: 15 Iranians Killed in Israeli Attack Monday Night

The Observatory also noted that the Israeli bombardment Monday night destroyed warehouses, ammunition and weapons stored in the "Defense Factories" in the Al-Safira area.

Turkey: ‘We Opened the Doors’ for Syrian Refugees into Europe

In accordance with a lucrative deal from the European Union, Ankara has blocked the refugees from leaving for Europe up to this point.

Like Mushrooms after the Rain: Shaggy Manes at Site of World’s Biggest Tank Battle

Israel and especially the Golan have had a whole lot of rain in January, but for the Coprinus mushroom (דיואית) this is actually the end of the season.

Geula Cohen Was Right

Geula Cohen, brave woman, you were right and so many of us were dead wrong. Which is why so many of us are dead, before our time.

WATCH: IDF Confuses Syrian Missile System and Returns the Missiles to Sender

Watch Syrian missile after missile simple turn over and hit the ground.

Satellite Images Reveal Extensive Construction at Iranian Base in Syria

Satellite imagery released some three weeks ago suggest the Imam Ali compound is intended to be used for training Shiite militias.

Report: Damascus Mired in Poverty, Armed Robberies

More than 93% of Syrians live in poverty and deprivation, including about 60% who live in extreme poverty.

Saudi Paper: Israel Increasing Attacks on Iranian Targets in Syria and Iraq

According to Al Arabia, the weapons stored in the facility were Iranian-made missiles.

US State Dept: Hezbollah Withdrawing from Syria

JewishPress.com was the first to report on Hezbollah's pending withdrawal from Syria.

Greenblatt Tweets Israeli Map with Golan Heights

The Romans absorbed the Golan into the province of Syria, but Caligula restored the territory to Herod's grandson Agrippa in 37 CE.

14 UN Security Council Members Condemn Trump’s Golan Proclamation

German UN Ambassador Christoph Heusgen suggested the Syrian letter was "deeply cynical."

German Report: Assad Regime Responsible for 98% of 336 Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria

The GPPi estimates that some 90% of all confirmed chemical attacks were launched after Obama's August 2013 "red line" warning.

Lebanon’s Prime Minister: New Government Will Protect Sovereignty, Enact Reform

Hariri also said Lebanon would still be neutral in regional conflicts, while furthering ties with other countries and the European Union.

While You Were in Shul: Israel Attacked Iranian Warehouse in Damascus

This was the first Israeli airstrike on the Damascus area in 2019. The last time the IAF hit the same area was on December 25, 2018.

US Military Begins to Withdraw Equipment from Syria

Pompeo also announced The United States will host an international summit next month to promote stability and freedom in the Middle East.

US Troops Pullout Plan Not Ready, Turks Eager to Massacre Kurds – Ready or...

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday that the thousands of Turkish troops amassed along the Syrian border would attack whether the US is out or not.

Israel, Syria, Iran: It’s All About 50 Miles

Senior Russian commanders on the ground in Syria actually admire the IDF and its aggressive style – as long as the IDF does not shoot down Ilyushin planes, of course.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/middle-east/hezbollah/where-is-hezbollah/2024/10/01/

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