Trump Urging Allies to Prosecute their ISIS Nationals or ‘We Will Be Forced to...

A US-backed force in Syria on Saturday was hours away from surrounding the last ISIS fighters in an area less than a square mile in eastern Syria.

State Dept. Warns Americans of ‘High Risk’ of Kidnapping Worldwide

New U.S. travel warnings regarding kidnapping and other terrorist threats agains U.S. citizens.

Meet the Boss: Trump, Putin to Meet on Sidelines of G20 Summit in July

U.S. National Security Adviser General H.R. McMaster, told journalists at a White House briefing there is “no specific agenda” for the meeting.

Syrian War Spillover Leaves Tripoli under Lebanese Army Control

Deadly clashes between pro and anti-Assad forces in Tripoli forced Lebanon on Monday to place Tripoli under army control for six months, the first...

Israel Won’t Go to War against Hezbollah because It Can’t Win [video]

"Not wanting to stir things up in the north" means "Yes, we could bomb them to kingdom come, but. no, we won't."

Deputy FM Hotovely: Israel Actively Helping the Kurds

Israel has “a vested interest in maintaining the Kurds’ and other minorities’ power in the northern Syria region as moderate and pro-Western elements who have proven their value many times over the years.

France Calling for Use of Force in Syria

But Russia and Iran have rejected the claims that Assad had deployed chemical weapons, saying the rebels are responsible.

Obama Condemns ‘Viciousness, Barbarity’ of ISIS in Burning Alive Jordanian Pilot

US President Barack Obama says the ISIS torture execution of a captive Jordanian pilot is another indication of the group's "barbarity."

Syrian Helicopter Fires Missiles on Lebanese City

The Assad regime escalated the spillover of the civil war Wednesday with a helicopter-mounted missile attack on a Sunni Muslim Lebanese urban center, wounding...

Rumors of Israeli Attacks on an Iranian Base in Syria Flood Social Media

Casualties were reported by the Al Arabiya news network at the Iranian base that was alleged to have been hit.

Peres Says Syria On Way to Being ‘a Number of Countries’

Syria is ceasing to be its former self, and “the war and terror have divided that country into parts, into a number of countries,”...

IDF Officials: Hezbollah Took American APCs From Lebanese Army

Hezbollah terror fighters "appropriated" armored personnel carriers given to Lebanon by the United States.

Netanyahu, US Envoys Meet on Syria, ‘Iranian Aggression’

The meeting focused on current events in Syria and the "joint effort to stop Iran's terror and aggression," according to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.

UK Votes for UNHRC Settlements Boycott While Protesting Israel’s Mistreatment

'Nowhere is the disproportionate focus on Israel starker and more absurd than in the case of today’s resolution on the occupation of Syria’s Golan.'

US Attacks Iranian Targets in Syria

Deir el-Zur province borders Iraq and contains several oil fields.

Russia: US Military Presence in Syria a Violation of International Law

What happened to all that good will towards Russia that set Presidential Candidate Donald Trump from all his foes?

Trump’s New Top Diplomat Is Pro-Israel and Anti-Iran – But Can He Stand Up...

In 2016 Russia and Iran signed Memoranda of understanding on dozens of industrial projects, to the tune of an estimated $40 billion. Most of those projects are still in drawers, but there's enough potential wealth in those drawers to make Russia and Iran inseparable.

Turkey Accuses Kurdish PKK Terror Group of Teaming With ISIS

Turkey paradoxically accuses the outlawed Kurdish PKK terror group of collaborating with ISIS.

Israel Strikes Headquarters and Training Camp of Iraqi Hezbollah Militia outside Damascus

Thursday’s attack was the third against Iranian proxy militias in Syria since the beginning of May.

Intel Officials: Terrorist Bomb May Have Downed MetroJet in Sinai

Intelligence officials say the Russian MetroJet plane crash in Sinai may have been caused by a terrorist bomb aboard the aircraft.

Israel’s Supreme Court Reduces Sentence for Druze Spy

In August 2012, Makat was released from prison after serving 27 years for previous security offenses.

Report: Bennett Nixed Netanyahu’s Plan to Help Exonerate Assad in Exchange for Expelling Iran

Bennett’s source said Assad is incapable of expelling Iran and its proxies from his country.

Shaked ‘Hopes Kurds Win Battle Against Turks’

“They are allies and I hope that they will win in their battle against the Turks."

US Attacks Iran’s IRGC and Proxy Militia Sites in Syria

Pentagon officials told several news outlets that the attacks had not been coordinated with Israel.

ISIS Now Has Fighter Jets

Let's see... ISIS now has artillery, fighter jets and chemical weapons. Good thing Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear weapons program years ago.

Syria-Israel Border Crossing Overrun by Rebels

The Syrian side of the border crossing near the Syrian town of Quneitra has been captured by the rebels after heavy fighting Thursday. Quneitra is...

Where Did Those Come From? Undeclared Chemical Weapon Traces Found in Syria

Traces of Sarin and VX nerve agents have been found by inspectors at a Syrian military research site.

Kerry Promotes ‘Three-Pronged Strategy’ to Defeat ISIS

He stated: “I have no doubt whatsoever that ... they are going to be defeated.”

IDF Chief: Israel’s Top Mission in Syria Is Pushing the Iranians Back to Iran

"We can't ignore the fact that Hezbollah, the Shiite militias and Iran perceive themselves on the winning side in Syria, together with Bashar Assad, and share his desire to return to the Golan Heights."


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