Photo Credit: Iranian Pres. Hassan Rouhani / Twitter Acct
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani “regrets the world is witnessing a rise in extremism” and on Tuesday, according to Iranian state-run Press TV, “emphasized the need for a ‘strong will’ in the international community to uproot terror and violence.”


Speaking to Moscow State University after receiving an honorary doctoral degree, Rouhani declared, “Unfortunately today, we are witnessing the growth of violent extremism in the world.

“Islamophobia, racism and Takfiri ideologies have, in effect, joined one another and risen up to challenge peoples’ integrity and to feed violence and extremism,” Rouhani noted. The solution to the regrettable situation, he said, “is to first exercise tolerance and self-restraint, and then expand multilateral and honest talks, which feature respect for all countries’ interests.”

Such a statement coming from the leader of a nation that supports some of the most vicious global terrorist organizations and which repeatedly vows publicly to annihilate the State of Israel can only be seen as paradoxical at best.

Yet Rouhani actually tweeted the statement together with a link to the news report, which quoted Rouhani as saying “The need for a global will to eliminate violence and extremism is today felt more than ever before.”

In a responding tweet, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro sneered, “You are the president of the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. Shameless.”

The Iranian president also referred to a proposal he made in the United Nations, called ‘World Against Violence and Extremism’ which Press TV said was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2013.

Iran has been the generous benefactor of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist organization, Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group for well over a decade.

Currently the Islamic Republic of Iran is also attempting to establish a permanent military presence on Israel’s northern border in the Syrian Golan Heights as an extension of its military support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in its long-fought civil war.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held extensive talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the issue, underlining that Israel will never allow Iran to establish a permanent foothold anywhere along Israel’s northern border.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.