Photo Credit: Israel's UN Mission
Israel's UN Ambassador Ron Prosor.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor warned the United Nations Wednesday that its willingness to be held ”hostage” by human rights abusers will boomerang on the entire world.

“Today I am here to issue a warning: Stand with Israel and stand against terror before it is too late, before the danger lands on your doorstep and self-preservation strikes its jarring gong,” Prosor said at a special session of the General Assembly that dumped on Israel.


His remark was a quote in a statement by Winston Churchill in 1935, four years before World War II, when he referred to the world’s allowing Germany to re-arm and stated, “The family of nations suffered from a want of foresight, an unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, and a lack of clear thinking and confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.”

Prosor told the ambassadors of the world that “Hamas must be disarmed, Gaza must be demilitarized., and the international community must divorce itself from the romantic notion of Hamas as ‘freedom fighters.’”

He cited the numbers of people killed in Arab countries and silence from the Arab world.

“In Iraq, over 1,600 people were killed in July. In Libya, clashes between rival militias killed 200 people last month. In Nigeria, Boko Haram has slaughtered nearly 3,000 people this year,” Prosor explained. “It may just be me, but I didn’t hear the Arab group rally to condemn these atrocities. Instead, this group gangs up against the only democratic nation in the Middle East that is defending its citizens from the totalitarian forces threatening every enlightened country in this Assembly.”

“Israel is on the frontline of the war against radical extremism,” Prosor added. “The battle we fight today is the same battle that you all will fight tomorrow….

And yet, some of you have abandoned the only democracy in the Middle East standing against the tide of terrorism. What does this say about your values? What does it mean for the next generation? This institution is being held hostage by some in this Assembly who are the worst human rights abusers.”

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