Photo Credit: Ashager Araro’s Facebook
Ashager Araro in Athens, Greece, February 18, 2029.

Ashager Araro, a Captain in the IDF reserves, was born in 1991 on the road from Gondar in Ethiopia to the capital Addis Adaba, where she and her parents boarded a plane to Israel as part of Operation Solomon. This week, she posted this video that made every Israeli who watched it just fall in love with her. As a Black Jewish Zionist woman, she had many surprises in store for the Western Woke hordes. Watch and listen:


On December 3, 2020, Araro posted this video that put several “Squad” antisemites in their place, again, from a Black Jewish Zionist woman’s perspective:

On October 20, she posted this note:

Araro’s posts have become so effective with Western viewers, especially in the Woke community, that Al Jazeera 2021 hired the services of Malia Bouattia for a character assassination job on the Israeli fighter. Formerly the first female Black British and Muslim leader of the National Union of Students (NUS), in 2011 Bouattia was accused of unhinged antisemitism when she wrote in the University of Birmingham Friends of Palestine blog post that the university was “something of a Zionist outpost in British Higher Education” with “the largest JSoc [Jewish student society] in the country whose leadership is dominated by Zionist activists.”

The best Bouattia managed to come up with were some bits of false equivalency, like, “She references Jewish Ethiopian migration to Israel in the face of antisemitic persecution to portray Zionism in a positive light, but makes no mention that Jewish migration has resulted in the mass expulsion, death, and systematic oppression of Palestinians. She seems to be excusing the brutal subjugation of an entire people because it supposedly delivered relief for another.”

Boo Hoo.

In 2020, Araro was named one of the top 40 global advocates for Israel online by Jewish News Syndicate. In 2022, she was one of Future of Jewish’s 39 People Making Waves Across the Jewish World.

And she’s very good at it.

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