Letters To The Editor

Ground Zero Sefer TehillimThank you to Shmuel Ben Eliezer and The Jewish Press for covering the return of the Sefer Tehillim from the Ground...

Letters to the Editor

History's LessonsIt is beyond argument that an Arab 'Palestine' will be another terrorist state. The area is currently ruled by terrorists, dominated by terrorist...

Our Uncle Tom

Tom Friedman won over some previously skeptical readers in the months following the 9/11 attacks by advocating a tough line against Islamic extremists and, to the dismay of his fellow liberals, supporting the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

A Whiff Of Auschwitz: Mel Gibson and the Gospel of Anti-Semitism

After his death, his followers - most of whom were simple fishermen and artisans - lived on in Galilee and Jerusalem.

Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned About Sharon

There is an apparent need on the part of human beings, and certainly Jews, for a hero.

A-Morality: A New Standard

Our society to a great extent does not look upon itself as fostering immorality. When it comes to lifestyles the very term is stripped from our lexicon.

The Girl From Transylvania

"You will never see your land of Israel, your precious Jerusalem, your Carmel, your Galilee. It will never happen. You will never leave Romania."

The People In American Politics

Now that the primary season is seriously upon us, at least one claim is common to all of the candidates. No matter the differences between them, all of the political aspirants exhibit a fundamental populism. "I want to be the people's president" is their shared mantra. Indeed, for any of them to suggest otherwise would be far more than foolish; it would be downright blasphemous.

The Test of Jewish Leadership

How tragic and painful it is that our prime minister chose these days of song and rejoicing upon the blossoming of Jewish Life in our homeland to reveal his cowardly plans of uprooting Jews from their homes and land in Gush Katif and the Shomron.

The Bones Of Our Dead

Why are Israelis so willing to trade so much for a single life when the Palestinians are willing to expend their own so needlessly?

Six Comments On The Situation

The Times neglected to print that Yassin was held for murdering Alex Singer Ronen Weisman and Oren Kamil.

Debating Israel’s Demographic Time Bomb

She also ignored the Israeli commitment to a Jewish state, a commitment which, she assumes, becomes irrelevant when the new engineered social order is put in place.

Why Israel Should Not Withdraw From Gaza

Through the centuries there has been a large Jewish presence in Gaza - in fact, it was the largest Jewish community in the country at the time of the Muslim invasion (7th century CE).

Heeb — A Slur Of A Magazine

Dave Love of Sunburst Kosher Tours had a look of unmistakable disgust on his face as he handed the Monitor a copy of Heeb magazine. "Can you believe this garbage?" he asked, referring both to the publication's content and some of the sponsors listed on its masthead.

Yamit Revisited

When the Jews living in the Gaza Strip are forcibly evicted from their homes, what should be done with the houses?

Letters To The Editor

Sharpton Democrats (I)Imagine if a white supremacist were running for the Republican presidential nomination and the party's other candidates not only refused to denounce...

A Deafening Explosion

There is another side to trauma and to traumatic events that we experience and survive in life.

My Last Meeting With Ronald Reagan

As it turned out, my services were not really needed. Ilya Zaslavsky, the young Russian parliamentarian, was quite fluent in English.

WMD, Dem Spin, Bush’s Numbers

Gleanings from the web on the matter of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD), more precisely whether there were any to begin with: TimesWatch.org examined The New York Times's Jan. 28 front-page story on the findings of former WMD inspector David Kay and, not surprisingly, found the paper of record doing spin instead of news:

The Gift Of A Yeshiva Education

Observant Jews must never adopt an aura of superiority. We must never consider ourselves "better" or greater, or a cut above those who are not affiliated or observant.

Happy Birthday, President Reagan

"We all love you very much, Mr. President," I ventured, as I shook your hand for the last time. Immediately and to my surprise you came to life!

A Bird’s Eye View

Using the abacus as a functional teaching aid, Lazer taught me to understand the basics of math. He planted an old/new concept in my mind.

Letters To The Editor

Readers' Tributes To Chezi Goldberg, a"hWisdom Will Be MissedI am writing to express my deepest condolences to the family of Chezi Goldberg on the...

On The Difference Between Murderers And Freedom Fighters

Moments after the latest bus bombing in Jerusalem this morning (January 29th), the group claiming responsibility, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, identified its action as an expression of "freedom fighting."

Librarians Against Israel: The Outrage Continues

Is not such close-minded determination indicative of a lack of responsiveness from public employees mandated to serve everyone, without prejudice?

Don’t Demonize All On The Left

Those who insist that it be built only along the Green Line undermine the status of communities in Judea and Samaria that most Israelis want to permanently retain.

A Matter Of Mindset

Arafat himself had opposed the 1991 Gulf War that ousted Saddam's forces from Kuwait. Palestinians cheered when Iraqi Scud missiles crashed into Israeli cities.

Save The Golan

And so the Golan is in need. It needs Jews to recognize its unique importance.

Conservative Christians Put Principle Ahead Of Pragmatism

The behavior of those Christians who broke ranks deserves attention because it is a powerful rebuttal to the worst stereotypes about the Christian Right - stereotypes that critics are likely to dredge up as the debate over gay rights heats up.

The Blog Revolution: Holding Journalists’ Feet To The Fire

The Internet - particularly the blogosphere - has leveled the playing field, making it possible for anyone to hold media outlets accountable for what they publish or broadcast.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/letters-to-the-editor/letters-to-the-editor-54/2004/03/24/

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